Page 15 of Elusive

“Princess, you’re not an employee, you’re my baby girl. No comparison,” he covers quickly. “Speaking of you though, what a small world. Sutton, did you know Presley’s degree is in Accounting too?”

“No, sir. I didn’t.” I glance at her from the corner of my eye… to catch her doing the same.

“Zach’s a numbers man too.” Bennett beams and rubs her man’s back. “And Ryder, right, Brynn?”

“Yes,” Brynn mutters, staring at her plate.

“Where is Ryder today?” Presley leans forward to look down the table and ask Brynn, the mischievous gleam in her eyes as she does so, not going unnoticed by me.

“He had something to do with his family.”

“So, young man,” Sawyer gruffly changes the subject, and focus, to Camden, “what are you studying?”

Please let him say Fashion Design.

“History.” That’s it, one word from the conversationalist.

“And what do you plan to do with that?” Everyone’s dead silent, not so much as a fork clinking against a plate. But a few of the women fidget in their chairs, no doubt uncomfortable because Sawyer’s begun “the inquisition,” in a tone that clearly says as much.

I never got put through that. Probably because he, along with everyonebut me, knew I had no “staying power.” Sure wish I’d have gotten that memo.

“Nothing, I hope,” Camden answers. “It’s a safeguard really, for if I need a job after my Major League days are over.”

“Major League you say? Do you know the odds on making it to the pros?” Sawyer seems to have tried to tame the condescension in his voice, but anyone who’s ever spoken to him can still hear it.

“About ten-percent,” Brynn pipes up. “But there’s always the chance of starting in the minors, and if you perform well there, your odds only increase. No disrespect, Uncle Sawyer, but true athletes, born with it in their blood, love the game enough to strive against the odds.”

“That’s my girl,” Zach praises, smiling at Brynn as though she hung the moon. “Anyone wanna tell my baby she’s wrong? Maybe spout off some statistics on playing softball professionally?” He makes sure each and every person at the table gets their own deadly glare. “Say that all her hard work’s in vain and squash her dreams? Spirit? Dedication? Anyone?”

“Or Camden’s,” Brynn mumbles to her uncle.

“Or Camden’s?” He parrots, even louder… because Brynny asked him to.

It’s pretty cool, their bond. Zach Reece would die for any of his nieces or nephews, of that I have no doubt, but Brynn? She’s his number one, right or wrong, unhidden, unapologetically.

“Of course not, calm down, Killer. Oh, and that’s my baby, in case you’ve forgotten,” Mr. Kendrick half-growls with propriety, but more so grins, in appreciation that his daughter is adored I’m sure.

“I have a wonderful idea!” Laney suddenly squeals. “All this talk about ball, let’s play a friendly game! It’ll be fun, everyone finish eating!”

The masses collectively groan… including the two true athletes.

“Baby,” Mr. Kendrick reaches over to cover his wife’s hand with his own, “can we keep it low-key today? No blood sport?”

She ignores him, busy doing a head-count. “We have sixteen people. Two teams of e-”

“I’m sitting out!” Whitley screams, waving her hand in the air with desperate gusto.

“Me too. You hosted, the least I can do is help.” Emmett’s already standing, starting to clear the table.

Laney actually claps… and it takes herculean effort to stop my laugh. “Two down, still leaves us even! Teams of seven it is! Last thing before we get started, are we pitching baseball or softball style?”

“Not to speak out of turn, ma’am, but can anyone besides Brynn pitch that style? It’s pretty hard to do, even harder to hit,” Camden interjects.

For the first time all day, Brynn’s head pops up and her smile’s as big as I’ve ever seen on her. “Thank you, Camden. And no, they can’t, but I can pitch like a boy just fine.”

“My girl,” Zach declares again, adding in an impressed chuckle.

“Alright, Brynny’s spotlight is a given, so me and Sky get to be Captains. Let’s do this!” Presley springs from her chair, aggression oozing off her. Can’t imagine where she gets her competitive streak.