Page 94 of Unstable

Keaton’s at the stove frying pork chops, the basket of biscuits is done, and the potatoes are boiling.

“Feel better?” he asks, keeping his back to me.

“Much, I’ll set the table. Unless you need help?”

“I got it all taken care of, as you can see, my pretty lil’ panic lady.”

I swear to…

“Hey, I do have a question though. Don’t you think it’d be more reassuring for the Kings if we were on the same page? As in, I know what the hell you decided and are gonna say to them?”

“Definitely,” I deadpan, traipsing into the country kitchen to set the table.


“Yes, dear?” I stifle my giggle. This is fun.

“Definitely would suggest you agreed and were gonna tell me. But, you didn’t.”

I sashay back to him, swaying my hips as sassy as they’ll swing, and run a fingertip down his chest. “Don’t you think it would’ve been more reassuring if you’d have called and given me time to properly prepare for such an important dinner?” I bat my lashes.

“Ah, she’s got games.” He nuzzles his face in my neck. “Bring it on, baby. Now I want to call them and cancel, so we can play all night. Betcha I win.”

I pull back and smile. “Your pork chops need flipped. And your potatoes need to come off now or they’ll be too soft. You got tea made?”

“Fuck no.” He starts flipping the chops, which I’m scared to ask how he unthawed them so quickly, turning knobs and flustering himself right out of all that cockiness. “Mother-” he sucks on his hand, having burned it.

“Move aside, my pretty lil’ panicking macho man.” I pat his butt. “Run your hand under cold water then make the tea and set the table. I got this. As you can see.”

He just stares at me, eyes filled with mirth, the corner of his mouth slightly curled. “I love you, Henny.”

“I know you do, and I love you too. Which is why I’m saving your ass and forgiving you. But I’m still not telling you my decision. You’ll find out when they do.”

I concentrate on the food, no need to look back at him to know he’s smiling even wider now. Quick banter and bickering is natural to us—it’s always been our thing.

It’s just, now that we’re older and on the same page…it’s also foreplay.