HE MAKES OUR PLATESand drinks, then takes a seat beside me.
“We’re not supposed to eat in here,” I mumble. “That’s what the country kitchen’s for.”
“I think it’ll be okay.” He leans over to rub my shoulder. “Now whether it is or it isn’t, I’m not sure yet, but you seem to think that the sky is falling. So start talking, Henny Penny. Can’t stand to see you cry, not about to just sit here doing nothing about it.”
I play with my food, no longer hungry. Keaton however, digs in, chewing while he waits for me to start talking.
“This is delicious, baby. Thank you.” He takes a drink. “Done waiting. Talk or eat, your only two choices.”
“Bourbon’s gonna die soon.”
He nods and swallows, wiping his mouth. “Yeah, sweetheart, he is. But soon may mean a year, maybe two. He’s fine now though, so why worry about it until you have to?”
“Because I love him! I don’t want him to die,” I raise my voice in indignation.
“Neither do I, Hen, but that’s a part of life. Helluva dog, and he’s had a helluva life. Roaming free on a farm, chasing herd, lots of love. He’s lived to the fullest. And when he goes, I’ll be right here to hold you. Now I understand you’re worried about Bourbon, rightly so, but there’s more going on with you. Told ya before, you can’t pull anything over on me.”
“There is,” I let out a deflated breath. “A lot more. I don’t want to lose you either. How’d it go with Mr. Boles today?”
“Well,” he rubs his jaw, “that’s up to you.”
“What? Up to me?” I can feel my heartbeat in my ears. “What’s that mean?”
“Take a bite, you need to eat. And if it’s my turn to talk, want you eating. You worry yourself into losing any of that sweet ass of yours and I’m gonna be very unhappy.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Then I’m not in the mood to tell you,” he counters, voice and eyes steady.
Swear to…the man drives me insane sometimes. Bartering by forcing me to eat? Next thing you know he’ll be doing the “airplane” bit, feeding forkfuls to me like a baby.
I begrudgingly take a bite, glaring at him while I do. He’s right about one thing though—it is delicious, if I do say so myself.
“Thank you, stubborn ass.” He winks. “So, about pussy boy. His daddy and Boles came to an agreement, but I haven’t agreed, not even to have them draw up the paperwork. Wanted to talk to you first.”
I open my mouth to ask, futile effort…
“Take another bite,” he demands and waits until I do so to continue.
“They’ll agree not to pursue any charges against me as long as you agree to do the same on your end. Ah, don’t talk,” he holds up a hand, “now I just don’t see how getting your sorry ass beat, which a grown man shouldn’t whine about anyway, possibly compares to fraud and embezzlement, but, that’s small town politics for ya.” He shrugs. “I gave them leverage, Hen, and I’m sorry for that, how it might affect you, because you deserve justice. But I’m not sorry for beating the shit out of that shitstain crook. So I am more than happy to pay restitution or spend a couple months in county for you to go after him for what he did to you.”
I choke down my food, literally, almost choke, and stare at him as though he’s sprouted a second head. “Merrick, Krista, nobody can mess with any of my accounts or anything else ever again, right?”
“More than taken care of. Boles got that done first thing.” He nods.
“Then we have a deal. Where do I sign?”
“Henley,” he snarls, his face folding in anger. “That means Merrick would get away with everything, no consequences. He wouldn’t lose his license to practice law, no jail time. Hell, he wouldn’t even have to pay you back any of the money he stole! Don’t let him get away with it ‘cause you're worried about me. I’m a man, I pay my dues, and I won’t be in jail that long. You make him pay too, baby.”
I’m about to show Keaton that he’s damn sure not the only boss around here. Seems it’s been too long since I have and he obviously needs reminding.
I lean toward him, wearing my “no nonsense” face and tap the table with the end of my index finger with my nearly hissed words.
“You listen to me, Keaton Fucking Cash, and you listen good. Only gonna say this once, and if you even think about defying me, I will make you wish you were in jail, being protected from me. This is my decision to make and It. Is. Made. We’re taking the deal. And it has nothing to do with Merrick, what he does or doesn’t deserve. It is only about you, and me. You don’t deserve to have to pay him shit, and I’ll be damned if you sleep a single night in jail when I have the power to prevent it. And I, deserve you. Here with me. Any questions?”
Oh, it’s killing him not to “man up” on me, argue, threaten to spank me…I can feel it brewing in him from here. But gradually, his stormy blue eyes settle, just like crashing waves eventually do and a loving smile splits his face.
“You don’t want revenge?” he asks.