Page 27 of Unstable

“I’d say the names she chose speak for themselves, and as far as having more than one,” he rubs the back of his neck, “maybe she was hoping somebody would be back to ride ‘em with her? Help her train up the yearling over there, teach him the farm? Few times I’ve seen him worked, he’s taken to cutting pretty damn fast. You don’t want him, I’ll buy him from ya right now.”

“I’m not selling Barley! We haven’t even gotten acquainted yet. Sheesh.” My misty eyes give him a critical glare. “A lil’ quick on the trigger there, aren’t ya?”

“Hen,” he growls, deep and gravelly, honing in on me with both his now smoldering eyes and shirtless body. “I assure you, Darlin’, my trigger is anything but quick. In fact, you’ll squeeze yours off multiple times before I even cock back my hammer.”

The slow, sexy glide of his tongue across his bottom lip confirms it—we have definitely veered off in a salacious direction. And while my mind is ready to throw up roadblocks, my body is humming, throbbing, everywhere, at full-speed ahead.

“Ke…Keaton,” my whisper is broken with sensuality…that cannot be entertained. I snap out of it, the guilt helping immensely, and jolt back. “I’m not, we aren’t, just—”

“Okay, okay,” he speaks gently, putting up both hands and backing away. “I got it, just relax.”

“You were…about to kiss me, weren’t you?” Horny haze—my only excuse for daring the words.

“You’re damn right I was,” he grunts, “but I’m a patient man.”

“Well, don’t waste it on me, never gonna happen. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to take care of my horses, who you’re also never getting.”

I calm myself before grabbing a salt block and pick, entering Barley’s stall slow and steady. “Hey there, I’m Henley. Can I take care of you, beautiful boy?”

Keaton laughs and I turn my head to find out why.

“What’s so funny?” I glare, but speak evenly, for the horse’s sake…not his.

“You are, my stubborn, fascinating, Henny. You wanted that kiss, so I’m pretty pleased about that, major stride forward. But you know what’s got me as happy as I’ve been in as long as I can remember?”

“Do tell,” I train my eyes to Barley’s hoof, taking precious care since it’s been a while since I’ve done this.

“Whatcha’ doin’ over there?” he chuckles.

“What do you mean, what am I doing? I’m cleaning my boy’s hoof while he enjoys his treat.”

“Exactly. Welcome back, Darlin’. I missed you.”

Well, I…my jaw drops and then, I grin until my cheeks ache.

I’ll be damned…Gatlin’s gonna have to split the therapist’s money with Keaton Fucking Cash.

What a day.