“Forgive me for repeating myself, but don’t fae want to be ryders? Isn’t it an honor to be blessed by the Goddess in that way?”
“It is,” he confirmed.
“Then explain it to me.”
He adjusted, making it clear he didn’t like the reason he was about to give.
“Just spit it out. I’m a fae of truth and reality. I’d rather know what fault she finds in me.”
“She is a healer, and healers are—weird.”
“I understand completely. My closest friend back home is a healer, as you know, and Emrys is definitely a little strange.”
Nyx blinked.
“Where’s the lie?” I asked.
“There isn’t one. But I try not to speak ill of my friends.”
“It’s not speaking ill of him. He’d tell you as much himself.”
“Okay, Kiera is a little stubborn—” he corrected himself when I lifted a brow. “A lot stubborn.”
“So she is happy with her duties as a healer and does not want her becoming a ryder to change her station? Why would it?”
“Because all of our ryders and flyers are in the military. There are no exceptions.” Nyx sat back.
“Not even for ones who teach?”
“Those are usually ones who have not found their bonded, their bonded died, or in special cases when their magic is more suited to teaching than combat.”
“Not having a choice seems kind of—” I pulled a face, not sure how to say what I wanted to without offending him. “Distasteful.”
“It’s the way it’s been since the Twelve Kingdoms were founded.”
“No wonder my people wanted nothing to do with that nonsense.” I laughed, and he joined me.
“Touché. But it’s the law here.”
“Can’t she get an exception because of her work?”
Nyx shook his head. “Not with how many flyers we’ve lost and the threat of the undead hanging over us. We can’t spare any. We don’t even know what her power will be once it’s melded with yours. It could be too valuable to lose.”
“Wouldn’t it be healing?” I was, of course, new to this, but it seemed clear.
“No, not necessarily. We’ve never had this happen, and we can’t assume.” Nyx exhaled heavily.
I felt bad for the weight he carried on his shoulders.
“I will try to speak to her.”
“If she will see you.” Nyx laughed and shook his head.
“Maybe you can help me with that?”