“What do you think you’re doing here?” I asked through my teeth, barely restraining the desire to deck him.
Nyx wore a confused expression. “Is she not allowed visitors?” he asked while eyeing me like he felt he had more right to be here than me.
Fucking try me. I barely repressed the words.
“She’s allowed,” I replied instead. “But I’m not sure you should be here.”
He took a step as if to move around me, and I stepped with him. He searched my face.
I knew him well enough to know he wasn’t stupid. So why did he seem completely oblivious to what he’d done? Maybe no one had ever called him out on his shit before? Kiera certainly had today, and it was high time he got used to it because I would not let her stand up to him and then stand here and not do the same while she lay fighting for her life.
“What’s your problem?” Nyx asked when I wouldn’t move.
“You are.”
His expression seemed to change through frustration, then confusion. “What the fuck did I do?”
I laughed without humor, upper lip curling indignantly. “You’ve become so single-minded, you don’t even see it, do you?”
He frowned. “Kiera handled some Dragon’s Bane. How is that my fault?”
“Because instead of being by her side, where I could have scented the danger and kept her safe, I was too busy trying to stop you chasing ghosts and Kiera could have died.”
His brows pulled. “I didn’t?—”
“No,” I stopped him. Nothing he could say would change what had happened. “You didn’t care, and that’s the truth. All you can think about is the undead because deep down, you still believe he’s out there and can be saved. You’re stomping around, ignoring what matters with your own agenda while we all clean up your mess, which I could forgive you for, but now it’s hurting people who matter and I will not sit idly by while you threaten what’s mine. I don’t know if I should even fucking trust you with our flyers at this point.” Everything that had built over the last few hours while I waited in limbo, not knowing if Kiera would live or die exploded, out of me. “Then you roll up here like you deserve to be in this room? You don’t.”
Nyx’s jaw flexed. “I am trying to protect the kingdom.”
“No, you’re being selfish. Kol is dead, Nyx.”
Nyx’s jaw trembled.
“I’m sorry for that, but until you accept it, you will put everyone around you at risk, and I won’t allow you to put her at risk again.” I lowered my chin, meeting his eyes so he would know how serious I was.
“It wasn’t—” Nyx ground his teeth, but a flicker in his eyes said more than his words. “Do you think I’m unfit for my duties?”
“I think you’re dangerously close to it.” I wouldn’t lie to him and if that got me removed from my command, so be it.
“You swore an oath to me?—”
“I swore an oath to the kingdom, not to you, and there is more at stake than your loss. I think it’s my duty, under that oath, to keep you in line.”
Nyx’s nostrils flared. “I would never put my kingdom at risk.”
“Then why would you do it to your friend?”
“For my fucking kingdom!” he roared.
I stepped chest to chest with him and shoved him back from Kiera’s bed.
The door cracked open again and Luka peered around hesitantly. After assessing the situation, he stepped inside and closed the door.
“Where is Zaria?” Nyx demanded.
“I just got here, so she left to get some food. She told me to tell you that she will bring enough for everyone, but she’s just worried that Jaxus hasn’t eaten in hours.” He looked to me. “How are you holding up?”
I nodded. There was no good reply to that question.