“That’s it?”

I nodded. “Right now those severed threads are causing you pain because they are still seeking something which is no longer there. This potion will allow you to reconnect them as you did when Kol was here and heal the wounds caused by the severing. Once they are healed over, disconnecting won’t cause you the suffering anymore. There will be a scar rather than an open wound, does that make sense?”

Nyx nodded.

“Whenever you are ready,” I said.

Nyx drank the whole potion down and pulled a face, then he settled back in the chair and closed his eyes.

It was painful to watch the range of emotions on my friend’s face as he imagined his dead brother reconnecting to their severed bond. A tear slipped from his closed eyes and rolled down his cheeks, and when I saw Zaria wipe her eye, my own tears were impossible to hold back.

Jaxus stood watching from over by the stove and Emrys continued the soothing sound bath that filled the room with its calming frequencies. We all watched in silence.

For long moments emotion lingered on his face and then he let out a long held breath and blinked his eyes open. He looked around at us all and then pressed his lips together in a sad smile.

“I don’t feel him now,” he said softly holding back a sob.

Zaria broke and pulled him to her. I stood and moved over toJaxus, who took me in his arms as I wept for this final passing of our friend. Emrys quietly busied himself by putting the items from the potion away.

“You did it, Firefly,”Jaxus said lovingly through our bond.

“We did it,”I replied.

The room was thick with emotion, but a peace had finally settled, and I knew everything we had done to get that cure had been absolutely worth it.



Ireturned the Vessels and the remaining store of Lepid to my secure stores. A small vault, keyed only to my magic where I kept my most lethal and precious ingredients.

I had been trying to deconstruct the magic the vessels used to see if this potion could be produced on a larger scale. I wanted to be able to help any future fae who suffer the loss of their soul-bonded and keep them from turning to the awful street potions of the past that do them just as much damage. And I was sure there would be more uses for it. Bringing back plants we thought we lost could have so many uses.

But right now, I had to prepare for my first group training session as Jax’s ryder. My stomach was in knots, and I was considering hiding myself in the vault with the vessels.

“You won’t fit in there,” Nyx’s voice came from the doorway.

I whirled round and caught him leaning against the doorframe of my work room, grinning.

“How did you know what I was thinking?”

“I just know you.” He smirked. “If your work wasn’t so important to you, I would have considered you a flight risk, but I knew you’d be here, no matter much you want to run away today.”

“Do you blame me?”

“Not really,” he chuckled.

I sealed the vault with my magic and crossed the room to wash my hands.

“How did you sleep?” I asked.

It had been almost two weeks since he took the potion, and Jaxus and I hadn’t stayed there since.

We’d move back here to my rooms after Nyx arranged new quarters for Emrys.

“Like I tell Zaria when she asks every three minutes, I am sleeping well and feeling so much better. Thank you, again for saving me from that life.”

“And like I keep telling you every time you thank me, thanks are not necessary. The kingdoms needed you. And as your healer I did what I could to keep you well for them and for us.”