The ship rocked violently, the mast tipping until I thought it would snap when we collided with the next wave. We righted in time to drive into the wave, bow angling towards the sky, and then we were falling down the side of the wall of water only to crash into another.

“Will we make it through this?”

“Trust me.” Faolan met my gaze, remaining steady.

I nodded as my stomach turned, and I clung to my tether. My eyes fought to close, but I couldn’t sleep now. Not until we were safely ashore.

I wept.

For Nyx.

For Kol.

For Jaxus and Drystan.

For the home he could never return to.

I hadn’t realized I’d drifted, waking to Jaxus’ lips on my temple.

“Where are we?” I asked, blinking painful eyes.

“Nearly to the shore.” Jaxus took a seat next to where I’d have collapsed next to my tether. “You were sleeping with your eyes open.”

“They hurt enough to make me believe it.” I rubbed them. “What are we going to do?”

“Return to the First Kingdom.”

“Empty handed? And tell them what? Where have we been for months?”

Emrys and Jaxus exchanged a glance.

“What?” I demanded, voice still unsteady.

“We aren’t empty handed,” Jaxus said sheepishly.

“Explain yourself,” I demanded, anger bubbling in my veins.

“We gave my brother a decoy. Emrys has the real one.” Jaxus admitted.

“Did you suspect he would turn on you?!” I stared at him. “Your own brother?”

“He was in on it.”

I looked between them. “You joke.”

Emrys pulled out the vessel from the folds of his robes. “We suspected there could be trouble and had a decoy ready so if only a few of us could get away, then we’d have better odds.”

My mouth fell agape. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“We needed it as believable as possible.” Jaxus apologized silently. “Not even Faolan knew. Drystan told me last night that if they got close, he would take the fall.”

“And you let him?” I didn’t know which was worse, the betrayal or letting him take the fall for the rest of us.

“It will be better for our parents not to lose us both. He knew that. And this way, he looks like the hero.”

“Surely they will know his vessel is fake.” I put a hand to my heart, knowing I’d never be able to thank him.

“Maybe, but Drystan will play the fool.” Jaxus put his hand over mine.