Drystan rolled his eyes.

Faolan laughed. “Who knew of all of us rowdy youngins, you’d be the drunk.”

I made a rude gesture. “ You would too if you were trapped here.” I didn’t moderate my tone.

“You need to go to bed.”

“Sod off. I can have a drink.” I kept up the slur of my words, leaning into the act.

“Drink them, then I’m taking you home.” Faolan gave me a serious look.

“What are you worried about?” I narrowed my eyes.

Faolan waved his hand at me. “Every decision you’ve made over the last fortnight or more.”

I scoffed and downed the ale. “Where’s my mate?” I glanced around like I’d just noticed she wasn’t there.

“She’s still at work with my father.” Faolan snatched the second mug before I could stop him and downed it. “Come on. I have an early shift.”

I didn’t move, but Faolan grabbed under my arm and hauled me to my feet. Drystan took my other side, and I let myself go deadweight for a few seconds. They groaned, keeping me on my feet, but they stumbled, and Drystan hit the table with his hip.

“Gods, what has Mum been feeding you since you got home?” Drystan grunted.

“Don’t you dare make fun of me for enjoying a home cooked meal after being away so long.” My tone dripped with emotion, and I took a shuddering breath.

“He’s not going to cry, is he?” Faolan groaned.

“He might,” Drys muttered as he pushed open the door to the tavern, moving out into the cool air.

The wind howled over the mountain, and it smelled like a storm was brewing. I almost forgot myself wanting to tip my head back and inhale the fresh air.

“I can walk.” I shoved at them, getting free only to pretend to trip and fall to a knee.

“You can’t walk, and you need your bed.” My brother put his hand on his hips.

“Take me to Kiera. She’s working too much.” I turned in the general direction of the clinic and power walked towards it.

“Do you blame her when you’re acting like this?” Drystan muttered before jogging to catch up.

“Have fun with that,” Faolan called out. “I’m hitting the hay.”

“You’re not even going to help me get him home?” Drys turned around to walk backwards, not trying to keep his voice low despite the late hour.

“He’s your brother!”

“He’s your friend!” Drys grabbed my sleeve as I swayed sideways. “This way. Maybe she can give you a tonic to sober you up.”

“May the Goddess favor you and your endeavors.”

Drystan lifted his hand, holding a crass gesture over his head.

We got to the clinic where Kiera waited, letting us in the front.

She fawned over me until we got to a private room. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. Let me grab him something.” She slipped back out, but we weren’t alone long.

Faolan and Emrys entered a few moments later.

“This is it?” Drystan looked between them like he couldn’t believe it. “I thought we were doing this next week?”