“I am torn between acting resigned to our fate and fighting with the elders.”
She shifted from foot to foot, looking out over Kerani. “Which is more in character for you? Because if you do one and they expect you to do the other, it will make them watch us closer.”
“Maybe we should do both.”
A plan started to form in my head.
Iwas home, and Kiera was with me. Despite the circumstances, it felt wonderful.
I came through the living area and joined her on the balcony. “Part of me never imagined I’d see this view again,” I admitted, coming up behind her to look over the balcony into the valley below.
I wrapped her in my arms and shared the breathtaking scene with her for a silent moment. Dragons circled the valley, going about their day.
“It’s beautiful,” she breathed, at ease this high up and not at all afraid. As she’d said in the trees she grew up in, it was never the heights she was afraid of.
“I’m sorry I had to lie,” I said softly into her hair, so relieved the walls were finally downbetween us.
She turned in my arms and held my face in her hands. “I’m sorry I doubted you.”
“You had every reason, but I swear to you, there are no more boundaries between us.” Even if we had to stay here, she was worth it. Not losing her trust was worth it.
She smiled and I picked her up, wrapping her legs around me and sitting her on the ledge of the balcony.
She gasped.
“Trust me,” I murmured. “You know I’d catch you if you fell.”
“It’s not that. The stone is cold.”
I chuckled and then kissed her deeply, loving the feeling of our uninhibited bond. Magic flowed between us in celebration, and even though we were technically captive here for now, I felt truly free with her for the first time since we met.
Suddenly, the front door to my home banged open, and a familiar gait entered. I growled, reluctantly setting Kiera down.
“What was that?” she hissed.
“Company,” I told her begrudgingly.
“Is it true?” a voice called out.
“It’s true,” I yelled in reply. “And you need to learn to knock.”
“Now why would I do that?” my brother answered obnoxiously as he came into view, and then he stopped abruptly. His eyes went wide. “Because you have a mate,” he stated in realization.
“How can he tell?” Kiera whispered.
“He can scent it,” I said, turning my gaze from my brother to her briefly. It was long enough to catch her cheeks coloring.
“Kiera, this is my brother, Drystan. Drystan, this is Kiera, my soul-bonded and ryder.”
Drystan was speechless, something that never happened, and I loved it.
He caught himself gawping and shook his head. “Brother,” he said with such choked emotion creeping up on him that I got a lump in my throat. Then he dove at me, slamming our chests together and grabbing me into his arms in a bruising hug. It told me everything I needed to know. I was home.
“When Augustus and Xavi returned without you, I never thought I’d see you again.”