He shook his head. “No, nothing like that. We are more similar than you realize.”
“How so?” I frowned.
“We both keep closely guarded secrets.”
I looked around at the seemingly deserted place. “What secrets are here?” I wondered aloud.
“Dragons,” he replied, the corners of his lips turning up on amusement.
I looked around at the lake and the surrounding mountains enclosing this vast secluded space. “Where?”
“You’ll see,” he grinned.
I stomped my foot. “Jaxus this is not the time for cryptic nonsense. Just tell me!”
He moved in closer, wrapping an arm around my waist. “This is my home, Firefly, it is a land of dragons. Many, many dragons and that’s why it is a secret.”
“I don’t understand.”
“It’s a long story, but the condensed version is that after the Hundred Years War, many dragons did not agree with the new ways of unification nor the abolishment of old magic, so they fled to this secret place to live separately from the kingdoms and their rules. Dragons have thrived here ever since in our own private realm within the mountains, hidden from all that surrounds us.”
I gasped, hardly able to believe what he was telling me. “Many dragons?” It was unfathomable. Dragons were dying out as fast as magic was in the Twelve Kingdoms.
Jaxus nodded. “Only dragons. No other fae know of this place.”
I was stunned.
Jaxus whipped around, raising a hand. “You’re not as quiet as you think you are, Silas.”
A young fae lifted from the tall grass, his eyes green and piercing. “Unfair. You know my hiding places.”
“It wasn’t your spot that gave you away. It was the reeds you twist between your fingers while you wait.” Jaxus pulled the youngling into a hug. “It’s only been half a year. How have you grown so much?”
Silas wrapped his arms around Jaxus’ neck, squeezing him like an old friend or a mentor. Seeming completely oblivious to the fact that he was naked. “I always forget. But your hearing is too good.”
“Yours will get better if you allow it. You have to clear your mind and allow your magic to stretch out around you.”
“It’s too boring,” Silas huffed.
Jaxus messed up his hair. “You’ll get there. Who else is on watch?”
Silas made a face. “Archon had already gone to alert the council when we spotted your colors over the mountain.”
Jaxus pulled a face. “They’ll know sooner or later. It’s better to face it.” He reached for me. “This is Kiera.”
Silas smiled at me and stuck out a hand. “I’m Silas. Are you a dragon?”
I shook my head. “No. I’m Jaxus’ flyer.”
Silas wrinkled his nose. “I’ve only ever seen one of those before.”
Silas nodded. “Is she with you?”
“Not this time,” Jaxus said. “Is Emrys in the clinic?”
Silas shrugged. “I don’t know. I haven’t seen him.”