“It’s nothing, really. I asked him something about his home and he closed up. That’s all. He got snippy when I pressed, so I backed off. It happened right before you walked in, so you just caught the tail end. I just don’t know what to make of it, that’s all.”

“Perhaps he had a difficult childhood and doesn’t like talking about it?” she wondered.

“I asked him that and he said no. I’m just confused.”

“I’m sure he will open up when he’s ready.”

“I know. I just feel that I spent so long rejecting the idea of being his ryder and avoiding him, so our bond didn’t get a chance to strengthen to a place where we were likely to meld. I didn’t do anything to actively get to know him, whereas he knows so much about me. I was just trying to fix that, but I got shut down at the first turn.”

She placed her hand over mine. “You’ll get there, my child. I’ve never known you not to succeed at everything you do, and getting to know your mate will be no different.”

I jerked back in surprise, but then, was I really surprised?Hadn’t I already speculated that she always seemed to know everything? “You knew?”

“I suspected,” she smiled and winked. “So it’s official?”

I rolled my eyes. “Gran, do not ask your granddaughter for details of her sex life. It’s not normal.”

“Normal is boring, child. I just wanted to make sure you claimed that big dragon like the Goddess wished, that’s all. Oh! We should hold a mating ritual to increase your fertility.”

“Absolutely not!”

“Don’t you want to bear his young one day?”

“One day way in the future, maybe. If we even get there. You know it’s been harder and harder of late.”

She nodded. “So better to start sooner rather than later.”

“No, thank you.” I shuddered.

“Why wouldn’t you want to participate in the ritual?”

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. “Because it might shock you to know, but I have no desire to consummate my mating under a new moon in front of my grandmother while you chant your woo-woo magic with the council looking on!”

Gran tsked. “I didn’t raise you to be so prudish, you know. It’s a natural thing, and a mating is a blessing that should be celebrated.”

“I’m not sure many here will see it as a cause for celebration. I won’t be wedding Casimir now. I’m sure the council will have a lot to say about it.” And maybe not want to bless the union at all.

“And just what can they do about a soul-bond? They have no choice but to accept it with grace or go against the Goddess.” she pondered for a moment. “You might want to tell Casimir though, so I don’t have to listen to any more of his hot air about ‘bringing his beloved home, despite what her brutish pet thinks.’”

I scoffed. His beloved indeed. “I’d like to see him try.”

“After that scene at dinner, he’s keen to save face.”

“Please, he’s never actually felt anything for me other than what my bloodline will do for his. I’ve had my life and he’s had his. It’s not like he hasn’t had lovers. We both have. He just needs to get used to the fact that his future isn’t with me. I’m sure there are other willing candidates in this kingdom.” He’d have a line of eligible females after him, I wasn’t worried about that.

“He might have more of a hard time than you expect. There will be a stampede of fawning nitwits, I’m sure. But none of them are you, and he knows it. All the best of our lines are already spoken for and more than that, because he’s a male, it will hurt his pride.”

“Goddess forbid his pride take a hit. Might make him less insufferable.” I rolled my eyes, not allowing myself to feel bad if he makes a less than ideal match.

“He will recover. Better to lose you to a soul-bond than because you just can’t stand him.”

I laughed. “Gran! You are brutal.”

“It doesn’t pay to tip-toe around the point at my age, you know.”

I shook my head. I missed her so much when I was in the First Kingdom. I would have to make a point of coming home more often to visit. Especially as I wouldn’t have to stay away to avoid my betrothed anymore.

“Now, what have you two found? Any leads today?”