The sliver of the waxing moon was at the highest point in the night sky and the time for my task began.

The weather would soon turn, but the fire engulfing Octavian’s body burned on as it crackled and illuminated several feet into the sky. It was the only light this side of the palace walls, where the city ended and plains rolled into hills beyond.

He’d been given a traitor’s funeral. No rites or prayers, only dragon fire to make sure he couldn’t return to haunt the living.

My goal lay with his remains. A simple mission but an important one. I could not fail. The Goddess counted on our success.

I kept to the gloom cast by the palace walls, covering my approach with shadows of my own. Cloaked in darkness the way we worked best. Our mission existed in the dark.

The stench of charred flesh was thick in my nostrils. A complicated magic, but a nice effect .

My guardians were stationed close to thwart any threat to my mission, searching for any risk of being seen or errant flyer hanging above.

I listened for warnings, but the silence kept.

I thanked the Goddess and approached the pyre. The fire around Octavian’s body burned hot, but I was immune. I almost laughed at the ease of carrying out this illusion. The arrogance of the King and his new general would be their downfall.

Passing unharmed and unseen through the three rings of fire, I found what I was here for and what should long be ash, lay fully intact. Octavian’s body, even devoid of the ritual cloth of funeral rites, was barely singed. I ran my fingers down his sternum, checking for the spark there.

Threads curled up out of his chest like snakes around my fingers, gripping onto anything they could hold. I pulled back sharply, shaking them off.

“Patience, my Lord.”

I took the crystal from around my neck and slipped it around his.

His remains were anointed by the crystal, and my work was half done. I pressed it into his unmoving chest, feeding it to the hungry tendrils, willing themselves from his flesh. The magic curled around the offering, probing and exploring before accepting it. It began melting into his skin. Absorbed to be used.

A smile pulled at my mouth.

Right on time, as the Goddess predicted.

I busied myself with the rest of my work, tying crystals to his wrists and ankles, then stepped back and raised my palms up. The body lifted, hovering above the scorched ground, and I covered it the same way I had myself with my shadow magic, keeping us from prying eyes.

I then waited for the bells to ring the change of hour. At lastcame one chime, then two. My moment had arrived. I moved Octavian forward, turning to cast a final illusion in his place. A body that would turn to ash and become nothing more than fertilizer for the land it burned upon.

With my charge in hand, I moved through the fire and vanished into the darkness beyond. I only had moments to reach my rendezvous point and disappear beneath the city whilst the guards changed. But the Goddess was watching over us and I passed silently under the guard tower, finding the tunnel entrance without incident.

My guardians met me there, and together, we carried our ward below, ready to begin the Goddess’ work.



Nyx pushed into the tavern and waved at the server. “A full round. No, make that two.”

“Is the general paying? Okay.” Luka smirked, settling onto the bench seat beside Zaria.

I took the bench across from them, observing the busy tavern. The whole city was busy today. Everyone had turned out for the memorial service for our dear friend, and Nyx’s twin brother, Kol and no one seemed to feel like returning to work. It felt like a day of celebration for the whole kingdom, and I loved that for Kol. Perhaps we could make it an annual thing?

The wounds of the tragedy that befell the First Flight were still fresh, but the knowledge that the one ultimately responsible had been dealt with had eased some of the pain. Octavian had been the right hand to General Asra, Nyx’s father, and had temporarily filled the role of general after his passing until Nyxcould find his ryder and assume his rightful place. Everyone had trusted him. Nyx had thought of him as family, so his treachery had cut deep.

I studied our small group, we were scarred but not broken. Nyx was still whole and that was important to me. I shuddered to think what kind of state he would be in from losing his twin if he hadn’t found his mate. I suspected Zaria was the only thing getting him through right now. Without Kol and the rest of the rowdy flyers and ryders of the First Flight at our regular table, I was sure we looked like an insignificant and somber gathering.

Luka brought some levity and I was glad of him. He and Zaria had grown up together, so he was her anchor in this new city they both found themselves in. And then there was me, the healer who scarcely left her work but wouldn’t miss this occasion for anything. Just the four of us to mark this day with a drink at the Flaming Pegasus, the way the First would have wanted.

That was when I realized Jaxus was missing. He hadn’t been at our private memorial because that was for Kol’s closest friends. But Luka had joined us since, so why not Jaxus?