“I know you will,” I tell the specter. “You’ve never faltered, Sponz. Cerak, the same applies to you, of course. I don’t expect you to follow me into battle. You obviously weren’t designed for it. Let me know what I can do for you.”
“So it’s now, close to the final triumph, that you want me to get lost,” the robot says drily. “How am I not surprised? No, I think I’ll stick around. You’ll need somewhere to put your trash, I’m sure.”
I’m not surprised at his sour tone. “You have been useful in many other ways, too. But I appreciate all the support I can get.And I do consider you a friend. Anyway, I won’t be leaving just yet.”
Maeve munches on some of the food that Cerak’s made. “This is good. What is it?”
“Apparently it’s a military ration, high in protein and energy,” Cerak replies. “I just heated it up.”
I feel my loins heating up, just looking at Maeve. “I need a break from all the planning. Will you accompany me while I relax and look at more artworks?”
She drains a container of sweet juice. “I’d love to.”
This time we walk down the inside of the tightening spiral instead of up.
“You have some good friends,” Maeve comments as we stroll slowly past a crystal sculpture. “It looks like you’re a good friend to have, too. Were you always into politics?”
“Politics?” For a moment I don’t know what she means. “Oh, the Supreme Leader thing? I never wanted to be. I was in our military for years. I commanded a squadron of gunships in space when Eo was attacked by a swarm of aliens. Not the Bululg, and not really like them. These ones didn’t want to invade, just to plunder and destroy. My squadron was the only one defending our planet.”
“Why?” Maeve asks, reasonably enough.
“Nobody had tried to invade Eo for a long time. We knew there was a swarm on the way, but we assumed they would keep their distance, like everyone always does. The attack was a surprise to us all. Anyway, we won, and I became famous. Many wanted me to be Supreme Leader after that. I felt I was too young, butthen I also felt that the other candidates were too old. So I signed up without any expectations, mostly so my friends would shut up about it. I just wanted to lose the election, so I could get back into space with my squadron. But to my great surprise I won. Before I could get much done, Buroteo invaded Eo with his army, and you know the rest.”
“You went off to find the archmagus. And then you rescued me from the Krunku.”
The next artwork is one I don’t like much. It’s just thousands of long, black threads hanging from a frame and moving as if there’s a wind blowing through them. But no breeze can be felt.
“Actually, the search for Archmagus Yomeran took a year before I ever met you. But when Cerak came aboard, things happened quickly.”
“I’m glad they did.” Maeve looks at the piece, staying at a safe distance. “Oh, that’s scary. Like a ghost moving through dark woods.”
“That’s what I think, too.”
We turn our backs to it and walk on.
“Do you think you can help me find Tara?” Maeve finally asks.
I’ve been thinking about it myself for a while, but I haven’t found a real answer. “I will have to follow my plan. If I’m able to chase Buroteo off Eo, and I survive that war, then… well, I’ll have to set things right on the planet first. I can’t go running off immediately. My people wouldn’t understand it, and they would be right. If I succeed, the job has only just begun.”
“It sounds like you’re saying ‘no’.”
“You asked if I can help you,” I point out. “If I win, I will be able to help you much better than I can now. As Supreme Leader, I can command a part of our navy to assist you with your mission.”
“Butyouwon’t be there.”
We stop at another artwork. It’s the only one that’s only a flat piece on the wall, a picture of an alien.
Maeve gasps. “That’s from Earth!”
I frown. “That? Surely not. He’s much more colorful than you. And the eyebrows go all the way across his face.”
“That’s not a ’he’. That’s a ’she’. It’s Frida Kahlo! It’s aself portrait!”
“Sefporet.” I thoughtfully repeat her alien words. “Yes, I always suspected it.”
She looks up at me. “You did?”
I nod. “It’s obvious. Verysefporet.”