“Vilyu mermee.”
“Good. One word at a time. Will.”
“Will you marry me.”
“Vil yu mary me.”
I turn to face him. “Good! Now go on one knee. Like this.” I show him.
“To kiss?”
“Not yet. Say ‘will you marry me?’”
“Will you marry me?”
I take his hand, fighting sudden tears. “Yes, Korr’ax. I will.”
He looks emptily at me. “What just happened?”
“You just ask me to marry you. In the Earth way. It was very good.”
“And… what did you say?”
I smile through the tears. “I said ‘yes’.”
He stays on one knee and embraces me, pulling me close. “That makes me happy, my wife.”
“Me too. I just wanted you to do it. Not just bark ‘marry me’ in the middle of a Big attack.”
He winces. “That was not my proudest moment.”
“But this was. Now you kiss me.”
He does, and the passion in him takes my breath away.
“Now, let’s go inside. I need more rest, and is still morning.”
We don’t do much resting after all. The skarp shook us both up and gave us a lot of adrenaline that we work off in a much better way than sleeping.