His cock slides down until it’s at my entrance. Then he pauses and bores his eyes into me from above, raising one eyebrow.
I get it. He’s making sure I want it.
His care makes a wave of heat go through me. I’m completely safe with him.
“Yes,” I wheeze with urgency, then remember he doesn’t understand English. “Toh,”I correct myself. “Toh!”
His cock slides in between my folds, slowly and smoothly, caressing every part as it breaches me. There’s a quick burn as he passes the narrowest part, but it drowns in sudden pleasure as one of the weird features of his shaft skims across my clit, as softly as a feather.
Before I know it, he’s all the way inside me. My womanly center has to stretch around him, adjusting to the unyielding invader because that’s the only way.
He stays deep in me, his twitching cock echoing through all of me and adding to the strong feeling of being one with him. He fits perfectly.
Pulling slowly back out, he makes my sex immediately miss the hardness. I whimper with need, and he pushes right back in.
“Mine,” he growls again.
“Yours,” I agree, adding to the heat that keeps rising in my very center.
He lowers himself to cover my body with his. He slides against my whole front, making me feel as if all of me is being thoroughly fucked. He’s hot and hard above me, both safe protector and lethal warrior at the same time.
I can barely believe it. A caveman is fucking me, and he’s fucking mesogood.
The root of his alien cock slides harder against my pussy as he speeds up, and before I know it, the heat overflows and the climax engulfs me.
I hear my own moans echo from the cave walls. Korr'ax speeds up his thrusting, wanting me to enjoy it to the fullest.
Then his moves go irregular, and his cock twitches, harder than ever.
A deep, throaty roar drowns out my own noises as he comes inside me. Relieved that he’s enjoying this too, I give myself over to the flood wave of pleasure.
I’m distantly aware that Korr'ax is collapsing on top of me, still keeping his weight off me and taking me into his arms as he rolls over on his back.
I hear the drums starting up again outside. I hadn’t even noticed they stopped.
“I think they heard us,” I drawl in English because I’m too relaxed to construct something in cavemanese. “Should I be worried?”
Korr'ax sighs with pleasure. “Mywife.”
“My husband,” I purr in his language. Right now he deserves to hear it.
I rest for a while, enjoying how his slow, powerful heartbeat resonates through me.
Finally I get up to use the remarkably advanced indoor plumbing this place has, which is an alcove with a hole drilled in the rock floor. There’s water too, probably from a rainwater basin on the very top of the rock.
Korr'ax closes the various screens to the outdoor world. The drumming becomes more distant, and when he puts out the oil lamps, only the glowing fire gives off a warm light. It’s reflected from the weapons on the wall and makes the wall painting almost come alive.
“Is nice cave,” I tell him. “Is nice tribe. How you is chief?”
He leads me over to the bed corner and lies us down, me with my head on his massive chest.
“Breti’ax was chief,” he rumbles. “But he was getting old and weak. I said, ‘You must step down. I want to be chief instead’. He said, ‘then you must kill me.’ Because that is the custom.”
Like most foreign languages, it’s much easier to understand what someone is saying than to say it yourself. When there’s aword I don’t know, I can just make a guess that makes sense. I think my guesses are getting better. And fewer.
“You not kill him,” I shrewdly observe. “He not dead.”
“That’s right. Because I said, ‘I will not kill you, Breti’ax. You are too valuable to our tribe. But remember, whenever you give a command from now on, you are going to worry if it’s the right one. Whenever the smallest thing goes wrong, you will worry if Korr'ax would have made a better decision. You will doubt yourself. You will always wonder if the Borok tribe would be better with me as chief. In your heart, you know it would. The men will mutter it so you can hear. Finally you will give in, and you will step down.’ Then I bowed deeply for him.”