The gates slam shut, and the heavy latches are lowered. Small fires are lit so the men can cook their dinners. There will be no common meal tonight — the mood should be quiet andrespectful for the dead man, who’s now an Ancestor. All that should be heard are the drums and the chants.
“Now the jungle is locked out,” I tell Bryar. “We are as safe as it’s possible to be on Xren.”
She looks up at me. “Korr'ax. Where women? Only men I see.”
“Women?” For a moment my thoughts freeze up as I try to understand the question. “Youare the women,” I feebly manage.
“Tribe women,” she says. “Where tribe women?”
I start to understand. She doesn’t know! “There are no women on Xren, my wife. Men only. Except you two.”
She stares up at me. “No women? How you…” She searches for the words. “How you…make small man?” She makes gestures with her hands.
It helps me understand the question. “How do we make boys, you mean? Babies? With Lifegivers. I will show you tomorrow.”
The men keep sending us curious glances, and I think that will continue for as long as Bryar and I live.
But the tribe must go on, shaman or no shaman. I talk to some of the men, making sure the watch has been arranged, getting reports about the Lifegivers, and checking that a hunting party has been organized for early morning.
I want to be alone with Bryar as soon as possible, and the moment my duties as chief are finished, I lead her back up the Mount. But not all the way — first we stop at a small cave that’s been vacant for a few months. None of the men want this cave, because the stairs only lead part way up, and one has to climb a wooden ladder to get to the opening.
“This is for Piper,” I tell the women. “For now, there are only sleeping skins and some useful items. Tomorrow we shall find other things that she may want.”
The two women climb up the ladder and then pull it up after them. I start to worry — without a ladder, I can’t get up there. But they immediately replace it, and I hear them talking.
Then Bryar comes down again. “Is nice cave. Piper close to Korr'ax and Bryar.”
“It’s the closest cave to ours, yes. I noticed you prefer to have your friend close, which is understandable. It is also a weakness, and I will help you chase it away.” I know she doesn’t understand the words yet, but I will always tell her the truth.
We watch as Piper pulls the ladder back into the cave.
I’m strangely hurt by that. “She’s completely safe here in the village,” I grunt. “Does she think someone will come and hurt her?”
We climb the last steps to the chief’s cave. Many previous chiefs of our tribe preferred to live in huts or caves lower down, not wanting to climb the long stairs to the top of the Mount every day. But I wouldn’t trade the view from here for anything.
“There is the turf of the Borok tribe,” I say as I point into the twilight, “rich and big.Thereis the turf of the Tretter tribe, smaller but rich in fruit and fine woods. Andthereis the turf of the Krast tribe, the largest one, with great riches in iron. I want to rule it all. I want to make it allbetter.”
Bryar nods, but I suspect she doesn’t understand everything I said.
We stand looking out at the jungle for a while, enjoying the warm breeze. The pyre is still burning brightly, the drums are still playing, the Elders are still chanting.
“See the movement around the fire?” I ask. “Those are Bigs that are curious. But they won’t get too close.”
“Danger Bigs,” Bryar shudders. “Rekh and trok and kronk.”
I lean over to sniff her hair. “Rekh and kronk, maybe. Troks are only in the ocean. Did you eat the food I sent?”
“Good food,” Bryar says. “Also wasfrit.”
“We always drink frit during a funeral pyre,” I tell her as I lead her into the cave and light the two oil lamps again. I light the fire as well, because the nights can get chilly up here, and I think Bryar likes it warm.
Taking off my ceremonial cape, I sit down on the soft leather and open the basket. It’s still nearly full. The men who prepared it made enough food for a whole party of hunters, and that’s as it should be. I want Bryar to have the best the tribe can make.
And there’s also a special dish I wanted her to have.
I unwrap it and show it to her. “I want you to take a bite of this. Just one bite.”
Her eyes widen. “Is what?”