I try to put it around her neck, but she stops me. “Wuz dat?”

“It is to show that you are mine,” I tell her, guessing what she means. “Don’t worry, you don’t need to give me one. It’s just something we came up with.” Overcoming her resistance, I place the necklace around her neck and fasten it. “Nowwe’re married. Breti’ax, bring these two to safety.”

The first rekh comes around a tree, seeing all five of us as a good meal.

Drawing my sword, I place another kiss on Bryar’s lips and run towards the predator.

- - -

Having killed one rekh and chased away two more, I catch up with the others. We’re going towards the Borok village, where I will introduce Bryar as my wife. Later I’ll show her to the Tretter tribe, so they can see that I’m the right chief for that tribe, too. No other chief has a wife! Indeed, no other man on Xren has a wife.

We reach a clear stream with a rocky bottom.

“Let’s stop here and we’ll get clean,” I decide. “Being covered in the blood of Bigs is not dishonorable, but it does smell.”

Taking Bryar’s hand, I pull her with me into the stream. I gesture to the other female to do the same, and she steps into the water and scrubs herself down.

I help Bryar clean her feet and lower legs, then realize that the pressure in my crotch has become embarrassingly visible.

“When that female is ready, walk with her towards the village,” I order my two tribesmen. “Make sure she’s comfortable, keeping in mind she’s quite small and can’t walk fast. Give her food and water. And make sure to protect her against dangers!”

“Yes, Chief,” they say, looking more excited about it than they should.

“And keep your hands off her,” I add. “We’ll decide what to do about her later. Do not try to get her to marry you!”

The shaman draws breath to protest, then changes his mind. It makes me think that marrying Piper was exactly what he had in mind. Well, I suppose she’s attractive, too. But nothing like my Bryar.


I send a quick prayer of gratitude to the Ancestors. These past few days have been incredible.

Cleaning myself in the water, I notice several new injuries where the various Bigs have clawed me or even taken bites out of my skin. In the heat of battle, I didn’t notice. Now, they sting. But they were worth it, many times over.

Piper walks ashore, and the two men come up to her.

The women talk fast with each other, and Bryar looks at me. “Whu ardey doin widhur?”

“They will go on ahead,” I tell her, guessing what she’s asking. “Then you and I will catch up.”

But of course she can’t understand what I’m saying.

“Breti’ax! Leave the Gift on the ground and take the sheets and the drawing sticks. Draw yourself and the shaman walking with the other female, and then Bryar and I catching up.”

The old man looks at me emptily. “I was never the best artist, Chief.”

“Oh, very well,” I sigh. “Give them to me.”

I quickly sketch what I had in mind, then try to explain again. “Bryar and Korr'ax. Bathe in river, getting clean from the blood. Piper and Breti’ax and the shaman walk on ahead. Then Bryar and Korr'ax catch up in the evening, and there will be a nice campfire and a meal so you can rest your short legs.” I add pointing and gestures to make my point absolutely obvious.

“Ah gess das olryt,”she says with a voice that’s full of doubt.

The two females chirp together again, and then the other one seems to give in.

“Don’t touch her,” I admonish again. “We want to show these women that we are honorable warriors! Leave a food pack for us. And somefrit!”

The three of them walk away, the shaman first, then Piper and then Breti’ax. I notice the two men are keeping a respectful distance, so that Bryar can see it.

With them gone, I take off my loincloth and get back in the water next to Bryar. “I’m happy you agreed to marry me. You are now my wife.”