I sigh. “I better not. My first final is physics and I’m a little nervous about it.”
“What? You studied it all weekend.” Rush rubs my back and I melt into his touch. “You’re more than ready.”
He stands up. “I’ll head over there early. Maybe have one beer and get back to my place in plenty of time to do a quick review before I go to bed.”
I stand and wrap my arms around him. “Have fun. You’ll text when you get home?”
He squeezes me in a hug. “Wouldn’t be able to sleep unless I did. I won’t be home any later than eleven.”
We exchange a kiss.
It’s not that I don’t trust Rush. I’m sure he won’t do anything stupid at the party, but going out the night before an exam seems risky to me, but that’s just me.
“Talk to you later.” He kisses my forehead and makes his way through the café to his next class.
I push through the front door of Will’s townhouse to a foyer and living room filled with my friends and teammates.
I part the mob of partygoers and make my way to the kitchen.
“Hey, Rush. You made it!” Will holds out a bottle of beer to me and looks behind me. “Where’s your girlfriend?”
“Adison wanted to go over a few things before her test tomorrow.”
Will nods and takes a pull from his beer bottle. “So, what’d you think of the new place?” He motions to the kitchen where we stand. “I’ve got my own kitchen now. Nice, huh?”
I pat on the stovetop. “So, you actually know how to use this?”
Sean approaches and gives me a fist bump. “Willy still knows how to dial for take-out.” Sean clanks his beer bottle with Will. “Hey, where’s Ads tonight?”
“Studying for tomorrow.”
“Well, you should’ve brought her.”
I notice commotion out of the corner of my eye which draws my attention to the living room.
Evie. She’s here with her quad squad as Sean calls them. Evie, Crystal Evans, Susie Taylor, and Nicole King. Sometimes, it’s hard for me to remember what I saw in Evie. Outside of her perfect figure, she’s shallow. She only cared about herself and would barely lift a finger—unless it benefited her in some way. She’s nothing like Adison.
Last year was rough. My first year — as a sophomore— and starting each game. A lot of pressure. Not to mention the pressure my dad put on me to do better, be perfect, don’t throw interceptions, land every throw. Evie was the perfect distraction to blow off some steam and try to forget about the pressure. At least this year I don’t have my father’s voice in my head every time I touch a damn football.
Evie stumbles into the kitchen with the squad close behind. Will hands them each a bottle of beer except for Susie who refuses.
“Thanks, Will,” Evie coos and rests her hands on his chest.
She’s drunk.
Evie turns to me. “Oh hey.” She loses her balance and falls into me. I set my beer on the counter and grasp her by the arms, so she doesn’t do a faceplant on the floor.
Her glassy eyes peer into mine, my hands still hold her arms.
I shake my head. “You’re a mess,” I mumble.
Susie stands by my side, her eyebrows furrow. “I’ve never seen her like this. I’m the designated driver tonight, so I’m not drinking, but Evie was doing shots outside when we got here.” She sighs. “Honestly, I’m not sure how I’m even going to get her home.”