Amelia Abbott? My Amelia?
“Oh.” My brother initiates a handshake. “Amelia Abbott?” Steve smirks and shoots me a glance.
Great. I hope the asshole doesn’t tip her off about my crush.
Steve scratches his head. “The woman I spoke to over the phone said she was sending Emily Cabot.”
At least he’s playing it cool and not giving me away.
“No, I’m sorry. Our receptionist gets things mixed up sometimes.”
My head is going back and forth between Amelia and my brother.
“It’s nice to meet you, Stan,” Amelia says.
I laugh out loud which catches Amelia’s attention, and she looks over at me. She studies me for a moment. “Sam?”
Her eyes light up. “Oh, my goodness. Sam Spencer? Oh, it’s been a long time. What are you doing here?”
“We’re selling my dad’s house.” I point to my brother. “This is my brother, Steve.”
“Steve?” Amelia looks at her paperwork and back to my brother. She wrinkles her nose and giggles. “My notes say Stan Smith.” She looks between us. “You’re not Stan Smith, are you?”
My brother chuckles softly. “Your poor receptionist.”
“I’m so sorry for the confusion.” She sets her leather satchel on the floor.
“It’s no problem.” Steve reaches out for Amelia’s hand, and she lifts her tiny hand into his for a handshake. “I’m the older brother, by the way.”
I grumble under my breath and wish my brother wasn’t touching Amelia.
Amelia bites her lip. “I don’t think I remember you from school.”
“Held back,” I grumble.
Steve grunts. “I graduated four years ahead of you two.”
Amelia giggles. “Sibling rivalry at its finest.”
“How about we show you around, Amelia?”
When Amelia bends down to pick up her satchel, my brother gives me the bird.
Sam Spencer. What are the chances? He moved away from Cedar Springs after high school, and I never heard anything more about him.
I always suspected Sam had a little crush on me. I was never completely sure and if he did, he never acted on it.
Sam leads the way down the hall toward the master bedroom with Steve and I following. When I’m not expecting it, Sam stops and turns to me. I run right into his strong chest.
Something familiar comes over me.
The strong chest.
The dark eyes.