“How do we make them turn on each other?” Fate asks.
Shifting forward, I place my forearms on the table, my eyes finding his. He presses his lips together, watching me, but I can tell he doesn’t quite know what to say or what I’m thinking. I find that a bit funny. I’m not necessarily a strategist, but this is the only way we can play this and win.
“That is something we’re going to have to plan. But what makes a group of people turn?” I ask.
“Loss of control,” he says.
“Money, power, and sex,” I say. “Those are the only things worth fighting for. We attack their money, their power, freedom, and their sex.”
Fate’s lips curve up into a grin. “I don’t think kidnapping their whores is really our forte. But I’m down for the rest. Tell me how to do it or what you’re thinking.”
I don’t tell him that I don’t want to kidnap anyone. That’s not who we are, and while our club is not full of angels, we are also not ones to break those unwritten rules. Plus, kidnapping leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don’t like anything that hurts women, which is fucking ironic considering I’ve killed a few—they weren’t innocent, though.
So I don’t think it counts, at least not in my moral compass anyway. Even though that’s kind of sketchy.
“How do they make their money?” I ask.
Fate’s gaze flicks down to the papers in front of him. His notes on the Demon Guns MC. “Arms trade.”
“I won’t kidnap women, but I’ll take some guns, bombs, and shit,” Fate says with a chuckle. “When do we start?”
I smirk. “I’m fucking ready. Probably going to have to clear it with Atomic, but I think this is the best way to fuck with them. If we can hit all their trucks at once, it will make an impact.”
“We can do that,” Fate says. “I’m fucking here for it.”
“Let's get their schedule figured out, mapped out, and chart it so we can show it to Atomic when we go to him with this idea,” I say.
“This fucking epic idea.”
Jerking my chin, I smirk. “This fucking epic idea,” I agree.
Fate and I begin to plot and plan so we can show Atomic just how much effort we’ve put into this. Attacking the Demon Guns where it hurts, the shit they love the most, which is money and power, is where it’s at.
“How do we get them to blame each other for this?” Fate asks about an hour into our plotting.
I’m working off the cuff with this shit. I know that I have to tie it together somehow and make them think it’s other Demon Guns who are attacking them. It’s easier said than done, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
“How do they communicate?” Piston asks, taking one of the chairs from beside me and sinking down. He’s obviously been listening, and while that would normally piss me off, this is a totally different situation.
“We have Blur and the other members' phones. They have to have the original charter’s numbers in there. I’ve seen those apps where you can have it look like a totally different number is texting or calling. How about we have a fucking fake text go out to everyone and fuck it all up?”
“That is genius,” Fate howls. “I’ve never been into devious shit like this before, but this is fun as hell.”
Closing my eyes, I lift my hand and pinch the bridge of my nose, laughing. Because he’s right. This is fun as hell. I hope I never have to do it again, but I’m having a great time doing it nonetheless.
“So you have their routes and schedules down?” Piston asks. Jerking my chin, I give him a single nod.
“I got as much as I can. I want this shit to work. I think it’s probably the best plan I’ve ever come up with on my own. I didn’t think I could be this smart,” I say with a laugh.
“Fucking genius,” Fate says.
Clearing my throat, I look over to Piston. “Can you figure out that phone number thing?” I ask.
He’s got his phone in his hand and is moving his fingers over the screen. Without even looking up, he responds to me. “I’m already on it, brother.”
“How about we go and talk to Atomic about it, then? He’s got their phones anyway,” I suggest.
Together, the three of us stand to our feet. Reaching down, I grasp the papers that I’ve made notes on. I’m going to have to put them on the computer if we want to be efficient, but for this, to talk to Atomic about it, my chicken scratch on paper is good enough.