We all agree to get a few more hours of sleep and start fresh in the morning. Which is good because some of the guys are still fucking drunk and just passed out. They’re swaying from side to side, just sitting in their chairs. I can’t imagine how useful they would be in doing any kind of research.
Moving toward the stairs, I make my way to my woman. I need to feel her. Touch her. I need to know that she’s safe. Alive. Mine.
I rollover and reach out to cold sheets. Sitting up, I tug the covers over my bare chest and look around the room. There’s no way he wasn’t here. That wasn’t a dream… was it? I’m naked.
It wasn’t a dream.
I know it wasn’t.
But when I glance at the time on my phone, I realize that it’s early. Like, nine in the morning early, and I’m alone, so I don’t understand what’s happening.
The few times I’ve slept with Humble, he has stayed the night. And after everything that happened early this morning, I was hoping to talk to him, but it looks like that isn’t going to be possible.
Throwing my legs over the side of the bed, I decide to unzip my suitcase and grab a change of clothes and my things for a shower. I can figure out what happened this morning later.
First, I need to clean up from work and sex. When I walk into the shared bathroom, I expect it to be completely disgusting, but it isn’t. I’m a bit taken aback by how nice and clean it is. It’slike Humble’s room, weirdly clean. Shouldn’t it be a complete disaster? Shouldn’t it all be so disgusting that I don’t even want to step foot in the shower?
I don’t get it.
When my shower is finished, I dress quickly, forgo makeup and throw my hair up in a messy bun. Hurrying down to the bar, I go in search of Humble… and maybe some food. The last thing I ate was the chocolate cupcake with Ryan.
Stepping into the bar, I look around and am surprised by how many men are not only awake but seem to be in little huddles of threes and fours. I don’t know them all, but I recognize the big players.
The people I don’t see are women. Not a single woman is here. None of my new friends. If I recall, when things were unsafe with my family, and I was put in a safe house, we were all together… the women and children.
Not a single man looks up from their huddles to even look at me. They are focused and give no shits about me or anyone else around. Deciding that food and coffee are more important right now than finding out where the women and children are, I move toward the kitchen and let out a sigh as I step inside the empty room.
Hurrying toward the coffee machine, I make a cup, then add so much milk and sugar that it turns a light-brown color. Lifting the mug to my lips, I take the first sip and close my eyes, almost whimpering when I do.
Then I hear a chuckle from across the room. I open my eyes and connect with the person at the doorway. I expected to see Humble there, but he’s not. Instead, it’s an older man… a very hot older guy.
“See you’re doing okay, babe,” he murmurs.
“I am…” I say, my words trailing off because I have no clue who this is.
He moves into the room, taking one step, then another. Stopping in front of me but not too close. I really look at him. Sure, he’s older. He’s got some graying at his temples and some sexy lines at the edges of his eyes, but he doesn’t lookold.
He’s hot.
And not grandpa hot.
This man is silver-fox hot.
“Name’s Nash. I’m King’s dad. Anyone talk to you about this shit yet?” he asks.
Shaking my head, I bring my coffee to my lips. As I take a sip, I watch him, wondering what he’s about to tell me because I have no idea what happened. And the way he saidthis shitmakes me think that whatever happened is kind of serious.
“Nash?” I ask when he doesn’t continue.
He clears his throat and takes a step backward. His eyes find mine, and he holds my gaze for a long moment. I watch as his lips curve up into a smirk before he responds to my question.
“It's not my place. Just stay here. You don’t need to be walking around outside.”