“What are your plans today?” I ask after tugging my clothes on in Dillion’s bedroom.
She chews on the corner of her bottom lip, her gaze flicking from her feet to meet mine. There is a moment of silence before she exhales a heavy sigh. “I’m working at Sal’s tonight,” she murmurs.
I almost laugh, but I don’t find it funny. “Yeah, we’re going to have a discussion about that soon.”
She shakes her head a couple of times, opens and closes her mouth, then presses her lips together like she’s trying to keep from saying some smart-ass shit. I’m sure she has plenty to say, but for the sake of argument, I’m glad she’s keeping quiet. I don’t have time to fuck her right now when she’s being adorably smart-mouthed.
I cup her cheek, sliding my thumb across her bottom lip before I speak. “We’ll have a discussion after the dust has settled with this shit,” I murmur, dipping my chin and touching my lips to hers.
She doesn’t respond except to part her lips and accept my tongue inside of her. I taste her wholly, fully, and without reservation. I fucking love the way this woman tastes. I could fucking marry her for this alone.
Breaking the kiss, I nibble on her bottom lip before I take a step backward. “I’ll see you later tonight at work,” I murmur.
Her eyes find mine, and she searches them for a moment. I allow it, waiting for her to say something, knowing she’s got something on her mind. I’m just not sure what it could be at this point.
“Okay. I’ll see you later,” she murmurs.
I’m not sure what to feel about her words. It’s a single sentence, but something is off with them. I don’t have time to think about it, though. I have a ton of shit I need to do, along with having a meeting to devise a plan for shutting down the Southern Mafia as a whole.
“Later,” I agree before I turn and leave her alone.
Well… mostly alone. Wackie is standing guard. He jerks his chin at me as I pass by him. I would stop and talk, but I don’t have the fucking time for it. I’m in work mode now, and I have shit to do.
Jogging toward my bike, I climb on and ride straight to the clubhouse. I’m halfway there when I see a bike that isn’tnormally in town pull out from downtown in front of me. If I had to guess, he’s likely got a bag of pastries in his saddlebag to get him through the day, compliments of his daughter-in-law.
A few moments later, I follow behind him as we ride straight toward the clubhouse. He parks his bike, and I guide mine right up next to him. Killing my engine, I throw my leg over the side and watch him do the same.
“Why the fuck are you here?” I ask.
Nash jerks his chin in my direction. “My son got stabbed, and I’m supposed to kidnap some girl who supposedly sold herself into sex trafficking. I’m here to find out exactly what the fuck is going on.”
I mean, he’s not completely off, and the way he says it, I don’t blame him for making his way here. I think I would have done the same had I received the calls he has recently.
“Got anything from Shawn’s bakery?” I ask
“For my fucking self, I do,” he growls.
He’s like a goddamn dog with his snacks, and I’m not going to be the one to get between him and his treats. Lifting my hands in surrender, I chuckle as I take a step backward.
“King should be inside. We have church. And we have some people to deal with,” I say, choosing my words carefully.
I know that the likelihood of anyone hearing me outside of the clubhouse is beyond rare, but you never know. I would have never fucking guessed four years ago that this is where we would be as a club. And that includes my ass being in prison and then coming out to having a whole-ass woman for myself.
So, who the fuck knows what is going to happen in the future and what is possible. I’m not going to make a goddamn thing easy for anyone, though. So, I’m keeping my mouth completely fucking shut.
“Let’s get this shit done, then. I want to know what the actual fuck is going on. And I don’t want to hear any bullshit about it.”
I almost laugh.
Nash used to be the president of the Dark Horse MC, but he semiretired and moved down to the coast. He’s supposed to be running a strip club down there as just something to keep them busy.
It seems he’s not quite ready to completely walk away from being the leader of the original chapter, and I don’t blame him. A lot of shit has been happening recently, and I understand Atomic is trying to keep us out of war, but I think it’s damaged us more than saved us.
I’m about done with us trying to keep the peace. Fuck the peace. It’s time for the world to fucking burn and for everyone to know that we are not to be fucked with. Not now. Not fucking ever again.
Nash follows me into the clubhouse. I can hear his bakery bag rustling behind me. The sound of its crinkling alone makes me hungry because I know what’s inside is fucking amazing.
I was so focused on fucking my woman that I didn’t get real food for either of us this morning. That’s disappointing. I should have made sure we were fed. I’m having some serious fucking regret right about now.