Page 66 of Filthy Liar

“Your woman’s house is up for sale.”

I knew that’s what she was going to do. But hearing my sister tell me that it’s officially up for sale, something shifts inside of me. It’s a mixture of anger and anxiety. Instinctually, I want to act on the anger, but I decide against it.

“Send me the name of her realtor,” I demand.

Spencer laughs softly. “You’re going to do something crazy, aren’t you?”

“I am,” I agree.

“She may not want that house, Humble,” she murmurs.

I snort. “I’ll remodel it. But she’s not leaving. She’s mine, and she’s staying.”

“She’s staying,” Spencer whispers. “She’s one of us,” she murmurs. “She’s a Dark Horse woman.”

“You’re damn right,” I agree.

“Humble?” she calls out.

“Yeah?” I ask when she doesn’t continue immediately.

She lets out a heavy sigh, then clears her throat before she continues. “I like her a lot. She fits our family, but she also fits you. I liked this so much.”

With a grunt, I end the call. I don’t want to get into any more feelings and shit with her. Plus, the fact that she likes Dillion is all that I need to know. I wait for her text, and it comes through almost immediately.

My sister needs some fucking sleep, but I’ll be damned if I’m the one who tells her that. I’ve fucked up her life enough throughout the years. I’m not going to try and tell her what to do as a grown-ass adult.

“Who was that?” a voice calls out from behind me.

Turning my head, I look over my shoulder at her. Dillion is standing at the mouth of the hallway, completely naked and sexy as shit. Turning around to face her completely, I sink my teeth into my bottom lip.

“It was my sister. She wanted to tell me something. Couldn’t sleep,” I say, not lying exactly.

It must be enough for Dillion. Her lips curve up into a grin, and she holds out her hand. “You want me to sleep with you?” I ask, wanting to hear her say it aloud.

“You know I do,” she whispers.

Moving toward her, I reach out and take her hand. For the first time since meeting her, I lace my fingers with hers, and I follow her. She guides me into her bedroom, and I fall into bed beside her.

Holding Dillion against my body, I close my eyes and fall asleep almost immediately. I’m exhausted, not only from the stabbing and recovery but from the whole fucking ordeal. Conrad has been dealt with, which took a fuck of a lot out of me.

Then I fucked Dillion twice, which completely wrecked me. I’m so goddamn sore. I can hardly breathe without wincing in pain. I’ll never regret being inside of my woman, though.

Everything about her is perfection.

I’m not sure how long I sleep. It could be a day, maybe a year, fuck if I know. But a noise wakes me up. The sound of the shower turning on is the culprit. Sitting up, I lift my hand to my face and rub it a few times, trying to wake myself up.

Opening my eyes, I glance around the room and realize that it’s day. I look at my phone on the nightstand, and my eyes widen at the time. It’s well past ten in the morning.

I have no doubt that Atomic and the other members of the Dark Horse have been looking for me, but I can’t deny that it felt good to sleep in. Reaching for my side, I place my hand against my wound. It feels a hell of a lot better than it did even yesterday.

There is a noise at the doorway, and I lift my gaze toward that direction. Dillion stands at the doorway, her eyes focused on my side. She hasn’t seen it, I realize, and I haven’t told her anything about it, either.

“What happened?” she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Does it matter?” I ask.

She dips her chin in a single nod. “Humble, of course, it matters.”