Page 129 of Close Knit

“I have a weekend off in three weeks, my last one until May. How do you feel about a quick getaway to see the northern lights?”

I practically bounce into the air, feeling a giddy thrill bubbling up inside me. “Are you serious?”

“Absolutely. Finland is only a three-hour flight away,” he says nonchalantly, as if a spontaneous trip to see the northern lights is the most natural thing in the world.

“No way!” My mind races with excitement. “Oh my god, there’s a yarn store in Helsinki that I absolutely love. I’ve ordered wool from them a bunch of times. I’d love to visit! It’d be amazing to see it in person. And I could test out some samples for that collaboration with Georgia. Oh, and I heard there’s an overnight train—imagine that!”

He smiles warmly. “Anything you want, my sweet girl.”

Just then, Sven and Omar crash onto the scene like a pack of overexcited golden retrievers, clapping Cameron on the back and showering him with congratulations for today’s save. “Man of the match!” they shout, raising their drinks high in a toast.

“Couldn’t have done it without you all,” he says, pulling me into their hug and flashing that proud smile that makes me weak in the knees.

Our cozy cuddle session disintegrates as the guys untangle themselves. But they don’t leave, clearly baffled by this rare, mushy side of Cameron that I’ve come to adore. They stare at him like he’s some sort of interactive art piece, waiting for him to make the next move.

“What’s this about a trip?” Omar nudges his arm.

I glance at Cameron, and he nods. “Cameron’s taking me to Finland to see the northern lights.”

Sven chimes in, “You have to stay at Octola.”

“Don’t ruin the surprise,” Cameron grumbles with an amused smile.

I have no idea where or what Octola is, but knowing these guys’ knack for the finer things in life, it’s bound to be something extraordinary.

Can this day get any better?

My heart feels like it’ll pop open. “Wait, you already booked it? What if I didn’t say yes?”

“Worth the risk.”

I chuckle. “Since when did you become a high-stakes gambler?”

“I only bet when I know the odds are in my favor,” he retorts with a playful wink, running his hand along my back, stopping at the base of my spine. “And trust me, I always come out on top where you’re concerned.” Every hair on my body stands at attention.

“Oh really?” I arch an eyebrow, a smirk creeping onto my lips. “And what if I had other plans?”

He leans in, his breath tickling my ear. “Then I’d just have to convince you otherwise.”

“All right, cocky.” I giggle. “I guess Finland it is.”

Sven claps Cameron on the back, shattering our suddenly hundred-degree flirting session in front of his teammates. “Man, you two are gonna have an awesome time. Just promise to bring me back some Dumles. They’re these little chocolate candies you’ll absolutely love.”

“You had me sold at chocolate,” I say, grinning. “We’ll even throw in a few selfies with the northern lights for good measure.”

Cameron smirks and lowers his voice to another spine-tingling octave. “And maybe a few other surprises, too.”

“Oh, now you’re really talking. I can’t wait.”

“Me neither,” he murmurs, his voice low and full of promise. “It’s going to be unforgettable.”

Omar erupts into a hearty laugh. “Look at Mr. Romance over here! Who knew our Hastings had it in him?”

Cameron just rolls his eyes. “Go ahead, laugh.”

“Such a sap,” Sven says. “Just make sure you don’t get a soggy bottom on your trip. We wouldn’t want to disappoint Paul Hollywood.”

“Trust me, Cameron’s going to get all the star bakes while you’re all stuck here with soggy bottoms and underbaked biscuits.”