Page 154 of Close Knit

“Which is why my teammates and I are proud to announce a new foundation, Birds of a Feather, focusing on the mental health of all Premier League players.”

My eyes blink rapidly, my mouth dropping open. He’s starting a charity for mental health?

Birds of a Feather.

Duck and Goose.

Our nicknames for each other.

The room suddenly fills with the chatter of reporters. He points to one. “Tiara with theStone Times. You had a question?”

“What exactly is the function of this charity?”

“We’re going to advocate for every team in the league—hell, beyond the league—to hire a full-time therapist on staff,” he says surely. “My own experience with therapy has helped me deal with all sorts of feelings I didn’t even realize I was wrestling with. Because of my own hurt, I pushed away someone who was close to me, and I’ve been working endlessly to repair the ache I’ve been living with for months.” Oh my goodness, he’s talking about me. “Every single one of us—the players, the staff, ourcoaches, our management—we’re all fighting battles inside. We deserve to play the game as mentally fit as we can be.”

There’s a lump in my throat, a traffic jam of emotions looking for an exit. The man I love is not just saying he’s changed; he’s actively proving it to the world.

His words echo in the empty chamber of my chest, stirring up a bittersweet kind of ache.

“Does this have anything to do with Daphne Quinn?”

“Is that who the sweater apology was for?”

“No more comments at this time.” He strolls off the stage.

I’m left here, gaping at the screen. There’s this whirlwind of emotions inside me, like I swallowed a snow globe.

Do we still have a shot?

And is it enough? Can it stitch up the gaping hole he left in my heart when he walked away from us?


Can we talk?


Yes. In person.

Santa Cruz on May 13th?

Want to be there sooner, but we have back to back matches and practices.

My pulse skyrockets at the thought of seeing him again.


May 13th works.


Green bench, 5pm?


My bench?
