Sam watched, and Aaron tapped his pen on his desk until the detective got back with him.
“Detective Bergstrom? You’re right. The log of the contents of the car includes a half-eaten candy bar and a full bag of chips. The notes say they were sitting between the driver and passenger seats in the middle console.”
“Thank you, that’s helpful. To let you know, we’re still looking at the possibility of what happened to William Gaston while he was on the Eastern Shore. As soon as we find any information, we’ll share it with you and would appreciate it if you would do the same.”
Gaining the affirmation from the Virginia Beach detective, he disconnected. Looking at Sam, he asked, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
Sam held his gaze and then blew out a long breath. “I wonder what William Gaston was doing from the time he bought gas and snacks on the lower part of the shore at around noon and didn’t get onto the CBBT, just a few miles south, until 10:43 p.m. What the hell was he doing for almost eleven hours?”
Nodding slowly, Aaron sighed. “The only person he knew down there was Harry Malroney. He’s the key.”
“He’s a hothead, but is he a murderer?” Sam asked, shaking his head. “I don’t see it. And if he did, I can’t see Harry coming up with a way to get rid of the body and the car to Virginia Beach.”
“The one thing we saw when we last talked to Harry was that he adored his wife. Hard to understand what she sees in him, but there’s obvious affection there. And her reaction to William’s death was very strong. Maybe something happened. I was going to say an accident, but unless William fell into a moving bullet, it would hardly be an accident. But if they’d had a meeting and something occurred, I could see Harry wanting to do anything to protect his wife.”
“You’re right. But we need to find out if Harry has a firearm.” He turned to his computer and began running a check. “Hmph.”
“Harry Malroney doesn’t own a weapon.”
Aaron cocked his head to the side. “O…kay?”
“But Ruthanne Malroney does.”
“How dare you come here and ask me about Ruthanne’s gun? What the hell are you getting at? I’ve just about had it with the North Heron Sheriff’s Department’s incompetence and harassment!” Harry’s narrowed-eyed glare made his weasel face appear more comical, but Aaron found nothing funny about the situation.
“Mr. Malroney,” Sam proceeded. “We’re asking if you will let us see the weapon and want to know if it has been fired lately?—”
“Do you have a warrant?”
“Sir, we do not. If we had, we would have presented it to you at the beginning of our conversation. But we can get one.”
“I’d like to see you try! Not with me making a call to the governor!”
“Harry! What on earth is going on?”
Aaron looked beyond Harry standing in the doorway to his house and saw Ruthanne approaching. She nudged her way under Harry’s arm as he tried to block her, but she managed to smile at him and Sam.
“Oh, Detectives Bergstrom and Shackley. How nice to see you again.”
“No, it’s not!” Harry groused.
“Harry!” she admonished. “Let them in.”
Harry’s brows lowered, and he twisted to look down at his wife. “Ruthanne, I don’t want?—”
“Harry, honey, I have never turned away anyone who has come to my door. And I don’t expect to start now. The detectives have a job to do, and it’s an important one. You and I have nothing to hide, so we have no reason not to let them in our house.” She looked toward Aaron and Sam and stepped back as she pushed the door open farther. “Please come in. There’s no need to have this conversation on our stoop when we have a perfectly comfortable place to sit inside.” Looking up at Harry, she reached out her hand. He sighed heavily, then linked his fingers with hers. They led the way into the den, and all four were seated.
“Now, Detectives,” she said, “how can we help you solve this case?”
“Mrs. Malroney, we’re asking to see the pistol registered in your name,” Sam said.
Aaron added, “Seeing if it had been fired recently will help us eliminate you from suspicion.”
Harry made a noise that sounded like a growl, but Ruthanne simply nodded. “I understand. I assume that we were the only people in the area that had a relationship with Mr. Gaston.”