Most things in life come as a surprise.
~ Lykke Li
Iturn to see Bodhi and my sister standing behind me with huge smiles on their faces. They look simultaneously travel-weary and blissfully content.
I jump up.
“Kala! Bodhi! You’re home? I didn’t expect you until sometime after midnight.”
I pull my sister into a hug before I consider that I’m still soaked from my surf session. Shaka’s jumping right alongside me, whimpering and wagging his tail as if to say,Thank goodness you’re back, your brother did a horrible job being my babysitter.
Traitor of a dog.
“Surprise!” Kalaine shouts as I lift her off her feet. “We got an earlier flight, so we made it back to LA before sunrise this morning.”
“Man, it’s good tosee you,” I confess.
I lean in toward Bodhi and clap him on the back.
Shaka runs between me, Bodhi, and Kalaine, and then he finally settles in a sitting position near my feet. Kalaine bends to rub his head and babbles all sorts of sweet words at the dog like he’s her long lost child. He leans into her hand, but stays next to me for some unknown reason.
“You got them all wet,” Mila says from her spot on the blanket, then she stands and walks over to Kalaine.
“Welcome home—or back. Back to Marbella,” Mila says, warmly.
“It’s home. One of my two homes.”
Kala stretches her arms out to Mila. The two of them embrace in what I’d almost call a sisterly hug.
Kalaine works part-time at Mila’s Place when she’s on the island, just to pick up the slack and to keep herself busy. I guess they’ve developed a friendship.
Kalaine pulls away, a beaming smile on her face. “And don’t worry about Kai dripping on us. We’re used to it. Surfers never mind a little residual ocean water.” She reaches out and gently squeezes Mila’s shoulder. “And you. I’m so happy to hear about you and Kai.”
Mila’s blush fills her cheeks and she looks up at me as if she needs me to bail her out.
I always will. Anytime Mila needs me, I’ll do whatever it takes to relieve some of the weight she carries. That’s how we got into this fake dating mess, after all. I couldn’t sit back and watch Mila struggle when I knew I could do something to alleviate her stress and anxiety.
Was I crazy? Am I crazy to keep pretending now, even when it means deceiving my sister and my best friend?
I already know my answer.
But right now, I’m at a loss for words.
“Sorry!” Kala says, stepping back into Bodhi, who easily slips his arm around her. “I don’t mean to make it weird. I know thisthing between you two is new. I just figured with your stance on not dating, if you and my brother are giving this a shot it’s not exactly casual.”
“Right. Yeah. Well, he’s amazing,” Mila says, smiling up at me as if she means it.
I think I might be blushing now. Thankfully the tan of my skin will hide it a bit if I am.
Bodhi grins over at me. “Way to go, man. Mila’s going to be so good for you.”
If we were actually dating, I’d have to plan some serious revenge on my best friend and my sister. They’re acting like Mila and I are engaged, not just starting to see one another. Maybe it’s the jet lag. Or it could be their pre-marital bliss which seems to know no bounds these days. They’re so in love they’ve lost their minds. That must be it.
Bodhi looks over at Mila, and what he says next makes me want to sink into the sand until I’m no longer visible. I want to morph into a sand crab … one of those creatures who can live under the surface of the beach … I’d creep into my grainy refuge where I wouldn’t have to witness my best friend humiliating me.
Is it too much to ask?
Bodhi reaches over and pats me on the side of my upper arm in a typical bro-move. Then he looks at Mila.