“I want to be upfront with you, Mila,” Brad says. “I know I threw you off when I first came around, but I want you to know I’m not trying to get away with anything. I’ve changed. And I regret the foolish choices I made years ago. I hope you can give me a chance.”

Foolish choices years ago? Those foolish choices continued every single day Brad didn’t attempt to reach out. For each week, month, and year he stayed away, those choices dug a deeper hole. And now that trench plummets fathoms beyond what I can see. He didn’t make a choice all those years ago. He continued to make that choice every minute of the past seven years.

Kai’s eyes are still on mine and the crease in his foreheaddeepens in response to whatever my face is doing. He obviously senses my mental spiral.

“I’m okay,” I mouth to Kai, even though I don’t know what I am. Okay isn’t anywhere near what I am.

Brad says he wants me to give him a chance, but I hear the unspoken “us.” He wants me to giveusa chance. And that’s not happening—not today, and not ever.

It’s just like Brad to see Kai as a little wooden roadblock rather than an impassable stone wall. It’s not that Brad would condone cheating. He’d never expect me to see him and Kai at the same time. Not if Brad’s anything like he was in the past. He was always prone to seeking adventure, but ethical in most things. But, knowing Brad like I do, he still has some twisted idea that I’m his. He obviously hopes that he’ll be able to convince me the past choices he made were a mistake and now he’s a new man—one I should consider dating again. And that means he sees Kai as a lapse on my part—a placeholder until Brad comes back to win my heart. Not happening. Ever.

Brad and I finish out the call and I hang up. Then I collapse back into my chair and Kai’s hand slips away. I scold myself for missing the contact. I shouldn’t want Kai’s touch or miss it when we separate. I’ve got years to go before I even entertain the idea of actually dating a man.

“What was all that about?” Kai asks, his face filled with concern.

“Brad bought the Boy Scout camp.”

“The … ?”

“It’s a property on Outrigger Cove.”

“I know the place. That’s a huge outlay.”

“Yeah. Well, apparently the used sporting goods business has done well for him. And, as a bonus, he bought the house at the back of that property.”

I explain the whole conversation to Kai. He listens intently.

When I’m finished, Kai says, “This doesn’t change anything. We’re committed to faking a relationship. And Brad will see whenhe comes here that you aren’t available. At least he informed you instead of just showing up on the island without warning.”

“Yeah. I guess that is considerate,” I concede. “And he’s not demanding time with Noah.”

“And, if he mainly stays in Outrigger Cove, you may not even know he’s here on Marbella.”


Something tells me that’s wishful thinking.

I try to sound optimistic when I say, “Besides, once Brad’s got the business up and running, he will only come to the island sporadically. He’ll have to rotate his time here between checking in on the other locations. It won’t be enough for him to even notice if we’re together or not. Then you and I can call things off.”

Kai nods. An expression flashes across Kai’s face. It almost looked like regret. I hope he’d tell me if he regretted setting this whole ball in motion. I’d let him off the hook. I’m sure he knows that.

“What brings you over here anyway?” I ask.

“Oh. My family. Kalaine and Bodhi Facetimed me with my parents today. And I told them we’re dating.”

“You did?”

“I didn’t want them to come back and hear it from someone else.”

“That makes sense.”

“Especially now that Brad’s coming here so soon.”

I nod. Kai must pick up on how overwhelmed I am. As always, he jumps in to reassure me.

“I’ve got you, Mila. Don’t let Brad throw you off. I’m always a phone call or text away. You aren’t facing him alone.”

Kai smiles down at me. Then he asks, “Did you eat lunch?”