“No. Actually, I need to talk to you.”

“Okay. Everything alright?”

That protective edge is back in his voice and it hits me in a way it never had before we started faking a relationship. I’ve always known Kai excelled in providing for and protecting those he loves. I’ve been the grateful recipient of his care over the years. Right now, his protectiveness feels more masculine. And this dormant feminine side of me can’t help but wake up and stretch in response.

Go back to sleep, I try to coax myself.It’s not time to wake up.

It’s late. Kai’s shirtless. I’m confused.

In the light of morning, I’ll be less vulnerable, I’m sure of it.

“Can I get you a drink?” Kai offers.

“Sure. Water, or nothing. Or whatever.”

“Water coming right up. Have a seat, Mila. Make yourself at home. But be forewarned. That dog will climb up next to you.”

“Thanks for the heads up. I would hate it if a dog were to snuggle up with me without warning.”

Kai turns around and raises his eyebrow. “You’re making fun of me, right?”

I hold my fingers up in a pinch. “I mean, Kai, look at him. He’s so well behaved. And cute. And he obviously loves you.”

I take a seat on the couch. Shaka jumps up next to me, turns around once, and curls himself into a ball at my side. Then he lifts his fluffy head and restsit on my thigh.

I run my fingers through his hair and he lets out a whoosh of breath and settles in even more.

“The mutt’s alright. I wouldn’t have him here if it weren’t for Kala. But you know how I am with her. She’s my baby sister. I’d do anything for her.”

I smile.The mutt. I’ve never seen this side of Kai before. It’s amusing.

“I do know how you are. Best big brother in the world.”

“Tell Kala that. She thinks I’m overbearing.”

“Sometimes we don’t see what’s right in front of us. Deep down she knows you’re the best.”

“So, what’s got you on the other side of the island after dark?” Kai walks back into the living room with two glasses of water. “You seemed a little flustered when I opened the door. Did something happen?”

Besides you walking around shirtless? Not much.

Kai sets his water on the side table next to mine. Then, as if he read my mind—which I’m begging and hoping he didn’t—he grabs his shirt from where it was draped over the back of the love seat and puts it on. Unfortunately, putting on a shirt is nearly as sexy as walking around without one. His muscles bunch and his hair is tousled in the process, and then he runs one hand through his hair to tame it, but that movement isn’t any less offending.

I grab my water and take a big gulp. Then I nearly choke.

“You okay?” Kai’s face fills with concern.

“Yeah.” I sputter-cough a little. “Just a long day. I’m always a little less pulled together by this time of night.”

I take a big breath, running my hands over Shaka’s back in soothing motions. “We need to talk.”

“What’s up? Does this have to do with Brad? Did he contact you again?”

“No. He didn’t contact me. But Chloe came by today. She heard we were dating—and she didn’t hear it from me.”

“Oh. That can’t have gone well.”

Kai knows Chloe.