“I thought you were out rinsing surfboards.”

“I was. I finished. Did Mila leave you a voice message? So soon after you were there for lunch? That’s a good sign, man.”

“She did.”

“And you’ve got the goofy look of a man in love.”

“Love? I already told you, it’s not love. Dude, slow your roll, okay?”

“Say what you will, but you look like your head is in the clouds. She’s got you whipped already. And that’s a good thing.”

“A thing you are keeping under wraps,” I remind him. “And don’t make that zipping motion again. Just zip it. Without the motion.”

Ben lifts his hand like he’s going to make that movement. He holds his pinched fingers together at the side of his mouth. Then he wags his brows playfully.

I clamp my lips shut, pocket my phone, and send up a silentprayer that Ben gets laryngitis. And his hands are simultaneously paralyzed so he can’t even pantomime about our secret. Not that I want Ben suffering. I just need him bound and gagged—gently, in a not-too-harmful-but-definitely-effective way. For a while. Until this ruse is over.

A group of men enter the shop. I nod toward them and Ben takes my cue to go see what they need. While Ben is distracted, I send Mila a text.

Kai: Got your voice message. Everything’s good on my end. Don’t stress. This will be fine. And I’m not backing out. You shouldn’t have to face your ex trying to ease his way into Noah’s life and him trying to pursue you at the same time. I’m here. We’re doing this.

Mila: Sorry for the way I rambled. And, thank you. You’ll never know how much relief that gives me. I just don’t want you to feel like you have to do this.

Kai: Understandable. But you don’t have to worry. This is me, Mila. I’m the same man who’s been your friend for the past four years. I’m here for you.

Mila: How did I ever get so lucky?

Kai: I could say the same. Now go about your day as if everything’s as it always has been. Brad’s not here. You and I get a respite before Act II of this show.

Mila: Thanks, Kai.

I type,anything for you, but then I consider the current blurred lines between us, and I change my text at the last minute before hitting send.

Kai: No problem.



I’m always secretly disappointed when

a liar’s pants don’t actually catch on fire.

~ Unknown

“Yoooo hooo!” Phyllis’ voice carries through the main room to the kitchen where I’m preparing a lasagna, garlic bread and salad for dinner.

She appears in the doorway, followed closely by Connie and Joan.

“I take it I’m being converged upon.”

“We’re not converging, dear.” Connie smiles a very unconvincing smile.

“We were …” Joan starts.

“... out walking,” Phyllis fills in too quickly.

“Yes. Walking,” Connie says with a rapid bob of her head. “And we started thinking of you … talking about you …”