“Mila.” Kai’s hand slips across the table and over mine again. “A man doesn’t tell a woman he’s thinking about her daily unless she’s on his mind. Brad never got over you.”

Kai’s expression is serious. “Take it from a man. When a woman gets under our skin, we’re determined. And we’ll play the long game to win her back. From what you’re telling me, Brad may want to connect with Noah. I’m not second-guessing his motives in that area. But there’s no doubt he’s got ideas about seeing you again, maybe even reunification.”

“That’s not happening.” My tone is forceful, absolute.

Kai grins. “Okay, tiger.” He chuckles.

I shake my head and drop my gaze to the plate in front of me. “Sorry. I’m just never getting back with Brad. It’s not an option. He …” I blink, unsure where the tears are suddenly coming from. When I look up, Kai has the most compassionate look on his face. His amber eyes search mine. He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. “He left me, Kai. When I was pregnant.”

We sit quietly. Kai doesn’t press me. His hand remains over mine, like an anchor—a soft, warm, strong anchor.

“I forgive him. I forgave him a long time ago.”

“I know you did. It’s one of your most remarkable traits. You are very forgiving and so hospitable. Those qualities go hand in hand. You open yourself up to people easily—and you make them feel wanted and welcome.”

I search his eyes. He’s so sincere. We’ve been friends for almost four years, but Kai’s usually here on business, checking up on me, on the inn. This is the most personal conversation we’ve ever had. It could feel awkward, but instead, I feel safe.

“Thank you.”

My voice is soft, still soaked in the emotions of talking about Brad, and also these unusual reactions I’m having to my friend right now. Obviously, this fake dating thing has played with myhead, and Brad’s appearance has made me more vulnerable and emotional.

“So, you may need a beard. Is that what they call it?” Kai strokes his chin. “Because I’m all about the beard.”

“Oh my gosh!” I bust out laughing. “Kai!”

“What?” he plays it up, flexing his biceps and then slowly dragging one hand through his thick, dark hair. “I’m a great beard. What guy has a chance against all this?”

I giggle. Like a flipping schoolgirl. What in the world has come over me? This isKai—my friend. I’ve just never seen him turn on the charm like this. It’s a bit disarming.

As if he didn’t just put on that show, Kai’s voice turns serious. “If you need Brad to keep thinking you are in a relationship, this gets trickier, but not impossible.”

“I really don’t want to lie.”

“I’m not a fan of dishonesty either. Not at all. You know that. But desperate times …” Kai pauses. “Would Brad accept it if you told him you were unavailable?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. I think, knowing Brad, he’d feign acceptance, maybe he’d even convince himself he was fine with it, but he’d start to push his luck.”

“And how do you feel about that?”

“Exhausted.” The mere thought of having to fend off Brad’s possible advances while navigating how to let him into Noah’s life wears me out so much I want to walk down the hall and curl up in a ball on my bed.

“Well, that settles it. We have to keep pretending. It’s a protection for you—one you need.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. Besides, I don’t think I can stand by while that guy tries to reconnect with you. So far, both times I’ve seen him with you I went into some sort of automatic reaction.”

I smile. I’m as pro-woman as the next gal. But I’m not going to lie. A man who gets feral when he sees me struggling and in need of support? That might just be my kryptonite. I loved bothtimes Kai stepped in to protect me from Brad. He didn’t overstep or treat me like I couldn’t handle myself. He just came alongside me with a strength I lacked in the moment.

“I noticed that automatic reaction,” I smile. “Kai in caveman mode. Watch out, ladies.” My comment is meant to be teasing.

Kai’s eyes darken momentarily, his pupils nearly swallowing the amber of his irises. He clears his throat.

“Okay. So. We’d better get a game plan together,” he suggests. His tone is all business now.

“Yes. A game plan. Right.”

I take a bite of my croissant. “We need drinks.”