Well not a grizzly bear because they have claws,
and not a panda bear because they know Kung Fu.
But a care bear,
I'd definitely fight a care bear for you.
~ Unknown
Work is different with Bodhi gone. One and a half more weeks. He and my sister will be back in less than two weeks. The house is empty except me and Shaka, who is back in bed with me at night, of course. We had a talk, me and that mutt, and we came to an understanding. He has his side of the bed and I have mine. Of course, he puts his back right up against me. Dogs. I’m telling you.
Ben’s puttering around the shop singing some Taylor Swift song off her new album. It’s a song about her daddy. Something about how she loves a boy. Every so often, Ben ad-libs a line as if he’s rapping Taylor’s dad’s answers. I’d be lying if I toldyou it wasn’t funny.
“They don’t hate you, Tay ta ta Tay,” Ben says, making each word hit a beat. “You should love a crazy man. Love him every way you can. That’s the best. And I’m a fan …”
I’m chuckling under my breath as Ben spitfires between the words of the song.
But under all that usual sunshine, something’s off.
Ben looks like someone kicked his puppy. Only, he’s the puppy.
“What’s wrong?” I ask.
“I said, ‘What’s wrong?’”
“Oh. Summer got the part in the movie she wanted.”
“That’s good, right?”
Ben walks over to me and leans his forearms on the counter. “Yeah. It is. It’s great. I’m so proud of her. Massively proud.”
“She’ll be gone for months. Filming is partly in Europe. It’s just hard. Bodhi and your sister get to travel together. Their unconventional schedules sync. I don’t get that with my wife. It’s just … rough.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Ben shrugs. “I’d rather have her part time than not at all.”
“I get that.” And without warning, the truth just slips right out of me like marbles down a chute. “Mila and I aren’t actually dating.”
“What? Did you break up? Bro. Man. Sorry to hear that.”
“No. We didn’t break up. We’ve been putting up a front. To keep her ex at bay. And Aima.”
“Dude. No.” Ben shakes his head, studying me to see if I’m joking. Then he makes a mind-blown gesture with both hands. “But you’re so into one another. I could’ve sworn you were real.”
“Yeah, well, I am. But she’s not mine. Not even part time.”
“Bro. I feel terrible, griping about my wife having to travel for work. Here you are in love with a woman you aren’t with at all.”
“Yeah. It’s okay. It stinks that Summer’s leaving for that long.”
“Thanks.” Ben smiles. “Not even dating. Whaddaya know?”
He seems to be thinking and then he says, “Want me to put a good word in with Mila for you? I’ve been known to be charming.”