“Yeah. I know. The man’s a human rubber ball. He always bounces back, almost immediately.”

“Right?” Bodhi smiles warmly. “But seriously, bro? Fertilize? Water? Weed? Where did he get this stuff? Mister Miyagi?”

“I’m so calling him thatthis week.”

“Dude. I’m down. Let’s make him a name tag.”

Bodhi pulls a blank name tag out from the drawer under the register and the silver sharpie we use for just this purpose. It’s usually a setup for new employees until their official name tags come in from The Alicante. But this use is just as legit. He scrawlsMr. Miyagion the tag and smiles.

I grab my phone out and text Mila to ask her to see if Chloe or one of her aunts can watch Noah this weekend so we can hang with my crazy group of friends and their wives.

Later that day, Ben’s walking around with the Mr. Miyagi tag on and owning it. He’s randomly saying things like, “Wax on, Wax off,” and calling me and Bodhi, “grasshoppers.” He’s always been one to roll with the punches when it comes to pranks around here. I’ve got mad respect for him for that.

It’s later that afternoon when Ben shouts back to me, “Hey, Kai?”

I’m tagging sunglasses and he’s at the register waiting for a lesson to show. Bodhi’s outside rinsing off some snorkels from a group he took out a few hours ago.

“Are Bodhi and Mavs moving out of your place after the wedding?”

“We haven’t discussed it, honestly.”

As crazy as it sounds, we haven’t considered any changes after the wedding. Bodhi and Kalaine will start sharing a room, I guess. Man. We should have talked about this.

“Our situation just works,” I say.

Bodhi comes in from out back. “What’s up?” he asks.

“Ben just asked what you and Kala are doing after the wedding.”

“Honeymoon, Dude. We’re going to Bali, where it all started.” Bodhi shoots me a look and smiles.

Bali. I haven’t thought of those days in ages.

“Nah, bro. I’m talking about whether you and Kalaine are going to stay in the same house with Kai after you’re married.”

“We’ve got built-in dog sitting when we’re gone. I guess …”

Bodhi’s voice trails off as if he just realized the same thing I did. Things are about to change and not one of us thought to discuss how a transition is going to work. In my defense, I’ve been just a little preoccupied with this whole thing I’m doing for Mila.

Ben doesn’t drop it. “Seriously, bro? What are you going to do, share one of the bedrooms while Kai is in the other room? Tell me that’s not your plan.”

I feel myself blanch.

Ben looks over at me. “You’ve thought this through, right?”

“‘Fraid not,” I admit. “I should have.”

I glance at Bodhi. “You’re welcome to stay on. I mean, we co-own the house.”

“We should have been thinking about this, huh?” Bodhi says.

“We’ve got time,” I assure him. “Let’s focus on your wedding. We’ll figure out housing after your honeymoon.”

Ben shakes his head.

“What?” I ask.

“Nothing. Grasshopper. You will learn the ways of the master in time. Watch and learn. Watch and learn.”