“Noah?” Mila says.
At the sound of his name, I realize I’ve been standing with myarm around Mila’s waist—in front of her son, whom we are definitely not trying to confuse. I drop my arm in a way that hopefully isn’t distracting to Noah, while still looking natural enough to keep Brad thinking I’m madly in love with his ex-wife. Which, I am.
“Yeah, Mom?”
“I want you to meet a friend of mine.”
Noah’s tone couldn’t be more disinterested, like any typical child on a beach in the middle of a party would be.
“This is my friend, Brad. We went to high school together.”
“Hi.” Noah gives a small wave.
“Brad bought Outriggers Cove recently,” Mila tells Noah.
“Wow. The whole cove?” Noah asks.
“Yes.” Brad says his first word ever to his son. I try to wrap my mind around the fact that he’s never said a word to him before now. I can’t.
“Wow!” Noah looks at Brad for a fraction of a second and then turns to Mila. “Can I go play now?”
“Sure, sweetie,” Mila says.
Meanwhile, Brad is staring at Noah in a way that would almost be creepy if I didn’t know the reason behind his fixation.
Noah darts away, oblivious to the fact that he just met his biological dad.
“Well, I think that went well. Don’t you?” Chloe says.
“Mm hmm,” Mila says in a mildly detached tone of voice.
My arm is back around her before the last mmm sound is out of her mouth. Fake or not, she needs my support right now, and that much couldn’t be more real.
“Do you mind if I … hang around a bit?” Brad asks Mila.
“I figured you would.”
“I’ll just …” he steps away a little, tipping his head toward the area where Noah is playing with friends. “I’ll keep my distance. I won’t talk to him.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
“Thank you, Mila. Really.”
Brad looks at me. Then at the spot where my arm is secure around Mila. Then back at her as if he wishes he didn’t have to talk to her in front of an audience. If he asked to speak to her alone, and she wanted to allow for that, I’d back off, but he’s not asking and she’s leaning on me in that way that says, stay. So, I am.
“You’re welcome, Brad.” Mila says softly. “Thanks for being sensitive to the need to take this slowly.”
“Of course. Of course. And … it’s good to see you.” He looks her over, like a man who’s still in love with his ex-wife, his eyes traveling just enough to make me feel uncomfortable.
“Okay, then,” Chloe chimes in loudly. “Good talk. Good to see you, Brad. We’ll be here chatting. You know, so …”
Mila gives Chloe a mildly scolding look. Knowing her, she’s considering Brad’s feelings, even though this whole situation is a consequence of his choices. He could be the one with his arm around Mila, with Noah running up to him on this beach every spring during Beach Bash. But he threw that all away. I’m all for second chances. But certain choices have unalterable ramifications. Walking away from your family and leaving your wife to raise your son single-handedly is one of them.