“Mila, looking lovely today,” he adds.
Why that makes me want to go put my arm around her is beyond me. She’s not mine.
She’s not mine.
She’s not mine.
Maybe if I repeat it enough, I’ll remember.
Mila smiles at Ben and says, “Good morning.” Then she looks across the shop toward me and in an unusually shy voice she says, “Hi, Kai.”
I smile at her. “Hey.”
“Hey, Ben!” Noah shouts. “Are you coming out with us?”
“I wish I could. Someone has to hold down the fort in here while Kai has all the fun. That happens to be me today.”
“Awwww,” Noah pouts.
He turns to Jamison. “What about you, guy?”
“I’m Jamison. And I’ve got a paddleboard lesson.”
“That’s my next thing I’m going to learn too,” Noah announces. “Right, Mom?”
“We’ll see.” Mila smiles.
Shaka trots over to Noah’s side and Noah bends to ruffle Shaka’s fur.
“Hey, Shaka! You’re a good dog,” Noah says. “Are you working today?”
Noah laughs at his own joke.
“Would you rather surf with Ben?” I offer, sincerely.
Mila’s eyes go wide for the briefest moment. I instantly recognize my error.
“That is, if your mom says yes.”
“Uhhhh …” Noah stammers.
Mila nods at me and Ben to let us know she’s alright with a switch.
“Tell you what,” I suggest. “You and I will go out as planned so you can buff up your skills, and then I’ll cut the lesson short by a little so you still have energy to show your moves to Ben. He can take over at the end and you two can surf together. Sound good?”
“Yeah!” Noah shouts. “Only you don’t have to cut it short, Unko. I’ve got plenty of energy.”
“I’ll say,” Mila says softly with a look of adoration aimed at Noah.
“Okay then, boss man, let’s get in the water.”
“I’m ready!” Noah looks at Ben. “Kai calls me boss man. He’s your boss, right?”
Ben nods. “Yep. He’s the man in charge. I do whatever he says.”
I mutter, “If only.”
“That means I’m the boss of the boss of you!” Noah says, cracking himself up.