“Well, of course, not here. I mean, I have a boyfriend.”
I shouldn’t throw my fake relationship with Kai around so freely.
“I know, Mila. I met him.”
The memory of the day Brad met Kai settles me a little, as if Kai were right here, his arm around my waist, holding me up. It’s probably not right to rely on him for strength like I do, but I can’thelp my reaction to Kai. He’s strong and protective, and I need all the reinforcement I can get. After all, Kai was the one who told Brad he was my boyfriend in the first place. I didn’t stop him, though. And I haven’t stopped him since. Now, I’m pulling that lie out of my pocket so easily it’s a little frightening.
“Well, thanks for letting me know,” I say, hoping to wrap up the call sooner than later.
“Right. Well. There’s one more thing.”
“What’s that?”
I don’t think I can take one more revelation from Brad today.
Brad says, “I have a timeline.”
And then the door of the inn swings open and Kai walks in. He takes one look at me and his casual gait turns into long, purposeful strides. He’s at the reception desk before I even blink.
“What’s wrong?” he mouths to me.
“Brad,” I mouth back.
Kai rounds the desk and sticks his hand out as if he expects me to hand the phone over so he can step in and take the call for me.
I shake my head. “I’ve got this,” I mouth.
Kai places a reassuring hand on my shoulder and my whole body relaxes so instantly it’s like I just got a massage.
He did that.
And I don’t know what to do about the fact that he matters so much to me. As a friend, yes. But I’m starting to wonder about the other layer of feelings that flit around in my belly these days whenever he’s near, or when I reminisce about him teaching Noah to surf, and especially when I think about how Kai held me outside the watersports shack.
“What?” I say to Brad, realizing he’s been elaborating on his timeline while I’ve been fully distracted by Kai’s arrival.
“Is someone else there? Do you have guests? Want me to call you back?”
“No. Yes. Actually. Yes. And, no. Don’t call me back. Kai just walked in. Sorry. You were saying?”
Kai smiles a smirky grin. He seems pleased with himself for throwing me off, or maybe he’s just pleased that I mentioned his name and acknowledged his presence to Brad.
I smile back. I can’t help it. Kai always makes me smile.
Brad lets out an audible sigh. “I was just saying, the agent representing the seller is in a hurry to push the sale, so we’re in a remarkably short escrow. My down payment is cash, and my businesses are part of the assets I’m bringing into the equation, so all that helps speed things along. I’ll start work on the property in two weeks. And I’ll be out that way sooner to finalize the deal, to walk the property for inspection … you know. All the details that go into a sale.”
“Two weeks,” I say the words while looking at Kai.
Kai’s brow furrows. He squeezes my shoulder in reassurance, even though he doesn’t know what two weeks I’m even referring to.
My body warms from his touch and I clear my throat.
Kai’s eyes lock on mine and I say the next sentence to Brad without looking away from Kai. Those honey-gold flecks embedded in cinnamon brown feel like a lifeline to me.
“Okay. Thanks for letting me know,” I say.
Kai’s face is warm, but serious, like a guard dog standing next to his owner, ready to pounce if only given the signal.