Page 122 of Resorting to Romance

“Good. I wanted to be sure you knew. I might not be Brad’s number one fan, but I know my place.”

I should feel relieved. Kai is setting healthy boundaries. But my heart sinks like a stone in water. He doesn’t want to be Noah’s dad. Of course he doesn’t. He’s not. And I’ve made it clear no man will ever be in that position.

Kai and I hang up after I thank him again for stepping in and caring for my son. He assures me it’s his pleasure. Before we end the call, he says, “I love him.” He says it so easily. Those words just flow out of his mouth like they're the most natural thing in the world to say.

“He loves you too,” I say.

“I’m pretty lovable,” Kai jokes.

I want to say,You are. But I say, “Okay, well, have a good rest of your day.”

“You too, Mila. You’ve done a great job with Noah. You’re quite a mom.”


“K. I’ll see you soon.”

Kai hangs up and I walk the last block to Chloe’s even more stirred up than I was when I left the elementary school.

Chloe’s home is a block up a hill that leads straight to a semi-private beach. She has a deck off the side of the second story overlooking the ocean.

When I show up on her front doorstep, she pulls me into a hug and walks me straight through the house to the deck.

“Sit. I’m getting us iced teas and you’re talking.”


There aren’t words to describe the kind of friend who takes one look at you and knows you’re at triage level of emotional crisis. I take a seat in one of the stuffed chairs aimed at the view stretching out over rooftops. The ocean spans in all directions and a faint hint of the mainland shoreline can be seen on clear days, like today, far off in the distance.

Chloe returns with two glasses in hand. Then she settles next to me in her own chair.

I spill everything, ending with Kai showing up at the school for Bring Your Dad Day.

“Were you mad?”

“Mad? No. Why would I be?”

“He went to school with your son without telling you. Aren’t they only supposed to let preapproved adults into classrooms? I mean, I know we’re Marbella, but we get visitors. What if Brad wanted to take off with Noah?”

My heart stills.

“Not that he would. He totally won’t. He won’t, Mila. He has asked you permission every step of the way. He’s surprisingly respectful and keeps to the lines you draw. I’m just saying, any old yay-hoo can walk into our quaint elementary school unscreened?”

I giggle. “Down, girl. Kai is on the approved list, just like you are. Besides, like you say, this is Marbella. I’m sure when he walked in, Marge recognized him, said, ‘Hey, Kai,’ and went back to answering phones or filing or whatever she does all day.”


“You’re so Liam Neeson inTaken.”

“You have no idea.”

“Oh, but I do.” I take a sip of my tea. “I think Kai was trying to step in without making it complicated for me.”

“Everything about the two of you is complicated.”

“Tell me about it.” I collapse backward into the soft cushion of my chair.

“So, how are you feeling about him?”