He turns to me and pointedly says, “I’ll talk to you later.”
I owe him that much after this fiasco.
Brad walks off with Shaw.
Kai lets out a long breath. “Sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”
“It was both of us.”
I look around and point back to the secluded area behind the bougainvillea.
Kai follows me. He looks defeated and worn. His voice sounds tired when he says, “I think it’s this whole farce. I’m preoccupied with what might change for me now that Bodhi and my sister are married. All of that threw me into a tailspin when I saw Brad.”
I giggle lightly. “You think?”
Kai chuckles, “What were we doing back there?”
“Running from the law!” I start laughing.
“We’d be doing time by now if we really were criminals. We’re not very good at this.”
“I’m not sure it’s a skillset I want to master.”
“Yeah. No. Me either.”
We find two chairs in this little secluded portion of the back patios and sit.
Kai takes a breath and picks up where he left off. “So, as I was trying to say, Aima was at the house. She and Kala were talking. Bodhi pulled me aside down the hallway, out of earshot. He was just saying some man-to-man things. Anyway.” Kai pauses, obviously sorting through what he wants to say. “He mentioned us faking.”
“Just in context of the conversation.”
“And that was the exact instant Aima decided to round the corner of the hallway to use the restroom.”
“Oh, no.”
“Yeah. I talked to her. She’s fine. It was unfortunate and awkward, but she said she’d guard our secret like it’s her own.”
“That’s sweet of her.”
“Yeah. She’s sweet.” Kai smiles. “I just wanted you to hear it from me.”
“She loves you, Kai.” The words almost pierce as they come out of my mouth. “She never stopped watching you all night.”
“I love her too. Like a sister. There’s nothing there for me, Mila.”
For a moment, I imagine him telling me,Nothing like the feelings I have for you.
But, he doesn’t.