Page 113 of Resorting to Romance

“Kai, listen to me.” Bodhi places a hand on my shoulder. “You will win Mila’s heart. This whole fake thing will be a fun story to tell at parties one day when you two are actually for real.”

I look up to thank Bodhi, but my eyes catch on something else at the end of the hall. Aima is walking toward the bathroom. Her eyes go instantly wide.

“What did you just say?” she asks Bodhi.

Bodhi stills. He looks to me for some clue as to what to say. I’ve got nothing.

I stare at Aima with a plea in my eyes.

“You and Mila aren’t actually dating?” she asks. “Are you serious right now?”


“Kai. Why? Why would you fake having a girlfriend?”

Aima’s quiet for a minute and then a slow grin overtakes her face as if some realization is dawning on her.

“Were you trying to make me jealous?” Her smile widens.

Bodhi runs a hand down his jaw as this goes from bad to worse.

“Kai! You didn’t need to go to those lengths. I came here ready to see if something could finally happen for us.”

“Aima. Stop. Wait. Please.” I look at Bodhi. “Could you …?”

“Yeah. I’ll just …” He hooks a thumb over his shoulder and walks quickly toward the living room.

“Aima. You are like a sister to me. And you know what that means. I love my sister. I’m committed to protect and lead herabove everything. I don’t take ohana aloha lightly. And I have ohana love for you. But I don’t … It’s not … I’m in love with Mila. We were faking. But … well, I’m not.”

Aima’s face falls. I want to step forward and pull her into my arms to comfort her, but that would probably send her mixed messages. I’m clean here. I didn’t do this damage. My parents and her parents did it by constantly setting us up and perpetuating the legend of our future. I never led Aima on. And I’m not leading her on now. The one foolish thing I did was fake a relationship with Mila.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you Mila and I were faking.”

“But … why, Kai?”

“It’s complicated. Her ex is back. You saw him last night when we were at dinner? Brad?”

“Yeah. The guy who bought out an entire cove here?”

“Yeah. Him.”

“So you’re trying to make him jealous?”

“No. I’m helping Mila keep him away from her. It’s a long story. But that’s it in a nutshell.”

“Ohhh. Okay. I get it.”

“I’m really sorry, Aima. We also thought faking would draw the line clearly for our parents. If they think I’m with Mila, they will stop trying to push us together.”

“It’s okay, Kai. I know you love me. I … I’m just embarrassed now. So … I’ll just …” She points to the restroom.

“Yeah. Sure. I’m sorry. Don’t be embarrassed. We’ll get past this. It’s a small blip in our lifelong friendship. You’re still my ohana. If you’ll have me.”

“Of course I will. I’ve always wanted you, Kai.”

“Thanks. And, could you keep this quiet? I know it’s a lot to ask.”

“Sure. I’ll take care of your secret. It’s the least I can do.”