Page 112 of Resorting to Romance

“I didn’t want you to have to face this alone,” he whispers.

He offers his support as if it’s nothing. But it’s everything. He has no idea that he’s the first man to ever think of me and to consider how situations might make me feel. He’s the first to step in and make sure I’m not alone. I’ve gotten so used to handling everything independently. I probably shouldn’t get too reliant on Kai for support. But his kindness keeps tempting me to relax into him as someone I can truly count on. It’s almost becoming impossible not to constantly wish for more between us.



I think a part of me will always be waiting for you.

~ Unknown

Kalaine and Bodhi are married. They’re actually married.

My best friend became my brother yesterday. And my sister is now his wife.

They’re leaving for their honeymoon in Bali later this morning. Aima came over to hang out with Kala while we all ate breakfast. Now we’re just biding time until they leave for the ferry.

Aima and Kalaine are on the couch talking while Bodhi and I finish washing the dishes. Aima’s voice seems aimed into the kitchen instead of at a volume matching a conversation between just her and my sister.

“I’d relocate like you did, Kala. If I found the man who loves me like Bodhi loves you.”

“It’s been good for me here on Marbella,” Kalaine says. “I miss Oahu, but at least we’re there for contests and events regularly.”

“A woman should be with her man though. Don’t youthink?” Aima says in a voice more appropriate for an unmiked performance in an amphitheater.

“I think a couple works out what works best for both of them,” Kalaine says.

“What do you think, Kai?” Aima tilts her head and looks into the kitchen to make eye contact with me.

I turn my head to meet her eyes. “I think you never know when you’ll fall for someone. You can have it all planned out, but when it happens, you’re not in charge of the details anymore.”

I’m obviously thinking of Mila.

“Oooh. I like that. You always have the best answers,” Aima says, obviously misconstruing my meaning again.

“Not always,” Kala says. “He says things that are off base all the time.”

“Yeah. Totally not always,” Bodhi echoes. “Kai isn’t always the one with the best answers. Not even close.”

He nudges me playfully. Usually, I’d fight them on ribbing me, but right now I hope they paint me out to be just a little better than a serial killer if it helps throw Aima off my scent.

Bodhi and I finish washing up and I hang the hand towel on the hook.

“Got a minute?” Bodhi asks me.

“Sure. What’s up?”

He tilts his head toward the hallway leading to our bedrooms. I follow him.

When we’re about halfway down the hall and out of earshot of Kalaine and Aima, Bodhi says, “Give me a minute to get sappy here. I didn’t get to tell you this last night at the wedding.”

I nod, giving him the go ahead he’s asking for. “I know you weren’t always in favor of me pursuing Mavs. But you came around. Your blessing on our marriage means the world to me.Youmean the world to me. You’ve always been a brother in my heart. And now we’re really brothers. I couldn’t have picked a better guy.”

“Hey,” I joke. “If you wanted me as a brother, you could havejust said so. I would have adopted you. You didn’t have to go and date my sister to get to me.”

Bodhi chuckles. “Seriously, though. You’ve always been here for me. For Mavs too. For Mila. Come to think of it, you’re there for everyone. I want you to know if you ever need anyone there for you, I’m here. And, don’t worry. We’ll figure out living arrangements after we’re back.”

“Thanks. Honestly, our living arrangements are the last thing on my mind.”