Page 51 of Catch a Wave


Feelings are much like waves:

We can't stop them from coming,

but we can choose which one to surf.

~ Jonatan Mårtensson

“Hey, Lei!” I answer my phone on the first ring.

“What’s got you so peppy?” she asks. “Not that I’m complaining. I’m all for your happiness. I’m basically your happiness hype girl.”

“You are.”

It’s been five days since Leilani and I spoke to one another—one of the longest stretches we’ve gone in our lives. Between her competitions and me avoiding talking with her about Bodhi, calls just didn’t happen. When her caller ID showed up on my phone just now, I answered so quickly, Shaka jumped.

“I’m just sitting here with our new housemate.” I smile down at Shaka and rub him behind the ears.

“Your new whaaa?”


Turns out Shaka’s coat is white and light tan. I thought he was brown and gray. Bodhi wasn’t kidding when he said our dog needed a bath. Shaka’s still naturally wiry, but he’s so much softer, and he follows me like a little furry shadow wherever I go. I took him back down to the dock yesterday, and he stayed even more closely on my heels the whole time, as if he was afraid I was going to leave him there and let him return to his old life. Not a chance.

“We got a dog.”

“Oh! Whew. And … we?”

“Yeah. You know, the guys and me.”

“The guys.”

“Kai and Bodhi.”

“Sounds cozy.”

“It’s … better than I expected it to be.”

A smile I can’t contain blooms across my face. I am probably crazy, but my heart is coaxing me down paths I’m not sure I should wander. Between watching Bodhi surf, doing yoga with him, cooking meals together, and then rescuing Shaka, I’m feeling a swell of emotions for Bodhi. Mostly everything warm and tempting—but also a little overwhelming.

Those feelings are all tangled up with my uncertain future. It would be easy to fall into Bodhi’s arms. I’m not even sure he’d want that to happen. At times, I think he might, and then I just can’t tell. I’m nearly positive he’s not seeing anyone. There’s no sign of texts or calls or visits. And I know Bodhi. If he’s dating someone, he’s laser focused on her.

“You sound like you’re falling all over again.”

“What? What makes you say that?”

Leilani makes her voice sound all dreamy and says. “It’s better than I expected it to be.” She adds a wistful sigh at the end for dramatic effect.

Then she shifts into straight-up girlfriend mode. “Kalaine, do you know the last time I heard you use that tone of voice?”

“No. When?”

“Over two years ago. Before Bodhi’s accident. Before that hottie broke your heart.”

Talk about a bucket of ice water to the face.

“He’s not the same. I can’t explain it, Lei. He’s come through the trauma and built a new life. He’s even surfing again. And, he’s being so thoughtful and careful with me. He hasn’t pushed me or made any moves, but he’s been here for me.”