“And we girls need to stick together,” Riley adds. “I didn’t have an ex, but if I did, I wouldn’t want to be forced to live with him.”
I chuckle softly. My life. One minute I was on top of the world. The next, I’m a couch-surfing charity case.
“You can stay with me, Kala.” Kai’s eyes meet mine from his spot at the bar.
We regard one another and I can tell he wants me in his space, to care for me. It’s like he’s paying me back for not telling me about Bodhi by letting me crash with him. Also, I know he wants to practice what he knows is right. The principle is malama kekahi i kekahi—the way we care for the ones we love and all those around us.
Can I let Kai care for me?
I don’t know. I might not have a choice.
A true friend won't sugarcoat advice.
~ Unknown
“So, you got mail … again.” Kai says, from his position of superiority in the overstuffed chair across the room from me.
Ben and Cam are at our place to chill for the evening. We get together about once a week or so, just the four of us. Kai almost canceled with Mavs living here, but she found out he was adjusting plans because of her and told him she didn’t want his life altered at all because of her. As if her being here isn’t a huge alteration.
Kai is already acting way less relaxed and laid back than usual—not just at home, but at the shop. It’s like Kalaine’s appearance reminded him of all my past sins. It surely reminded me. All I seem to think about nowadays is how I blew it with the most amazing woman on earth, and what I’d give to turn back time. And then I always follow those thoughts with a brainstorming session as to what I can do now to make it up toher and to help her through this transition to life after a surfing accident.
She’s been here five days now. That’s five mornings waking to her in a robe or pajamas. Five evenings of eating at the same dinner table as her, bumping elbows as we rinse plates and grab for a dish towel. Five nights of knowing she’s just down the hall from me while I try to drift off to sleep.
She has no clue. I get it. Surfers wear wetsuits in cold water, but otherwise, she always lived in a bikini. What she wears to bed might as well be a parka over a snow suit compared to that. Annnndd … now I’m thinking of Mavs in a bikini while her brother stares at me with a look that says I am not wiggling out of his confrontation about the piece of mail that arrived today.
“Mail? Isn’t that a droll topic for guys’ night. Why don’t we fire up the XBox and the grill instead?”
“Coals are already on the grill,” Kai informs me.
He insists on using the old-fashioned Weber pit instead of a gas grill like the rest of our non-prehistoric society. I’m surprised he isn’t out there with a flint and a stone, grunting while he casts sparks on a rock circle fire pit. Kai’s only two years older than me, but he’s so much more of an old man at heart. I’m surprised he doesn’t invest in sock sandals.
“What mail is it?” Ben asks from the other end of the couch he’s sharing with me.
I nearly groan. Ben is almost as gossipy as a nosy group of gray-haired women. After all, he’s the one who spread my history with Mavs to Summer and Riley. He’s not malicious, just curious. But still, his interest in that letter means I’m really not getting out of this conversation without going through the agony of opening a can of worms I’d hoped to ignore.
“It’s an invitation.” I hedge the topic with some of my typical vagueness.
Kai supplies the missing details. “An invitation to surf in a contest in San Diego.”
“Whoa. That’s awesome, bruh!” Ben smiles over at me. “When’s the contest?”
“It’s the Bro-Am in Encinitas this summer. It’s an event that combines concerts with surf contests to raise money for youth organizations in San Diego.”
“Dude.” Cam looks over at me. “That’s awesome. You’ll get to compete again.”
“Yep. Awesome.” My eyes dart to Kai’s.
“Awesome if he’d answer. And, an old friend of ours has a band that’s opening for one of the headliners. They asked Bodhi to join in while he’s there.Ifhe’s there …”
“What do you mean, if?” Ben asks in his usual naive tone.
He’s so all-in and fearless. Always goes for what he wants. Like when he pursued Summer even though she shut him down … and down … and down. Paid off. That’s what persistence will do for a man. But I’m not made of that same cloth.
I’m more of a … well, Iwasa risk taker. Used to drive my mom nuts how I’d leap first and think later. But either maturity, or my accident, or both had their way with me and now I just don’t step outside the box. It’s a sweet box. Why should I? I work on the ocean. I have a great roommate. I have a full social life with lots of friends.