He smiles down at me, and then he winks before leaning in so his mouth is right next to my ear. In a soft voice, scratchy with emotion he says, “Kiss me, Mavs.”
I tilt back so I can see his face. I’m unable to contain my smile. “Oh? Who’s demanding kisses now?”
Then I rise up on my tiptoes to give Bodhi a light kiss. He kisses me back and I lose myself in him until my brother clears his throat. Loudly. Twice.
“Okay, you two. My work here is done,” Kai says as Bodhi and I separate.
“Your work, huh?” I laugh.
“Definitely. Where would you two be without me? Now get on the ferry before it takes off without you.”
I walk over to Kai and give him a hug.
“Take a few waves for me, Kah.”
“Okay,” I promise him. “And you do me a favor while I’m gone.”
“Check in on Mila.”
The blush rises up his cheeks faster than fire on dry leaves.
Mmm hmmm. That’s what I thought.
Love’s about finding the one person
who makes your heart complete.
Who makes you a better person
than you ever dreamed you could be.
~Julia Quinn
“How’s surfing’sitcouple doing today?” Kai smirks at me and Mavs when he walks out from the hallway into the kitchen.
“That joke just doesn’t get old,” I deadpan.
“It really doesn’t.”
“It kind of does.” Mavs smiles over at her brother.
Mavs called Megan a few months ago when we got back together, and Megan released a lead story about surfing’s “it” couple rising up from the depths. I rolled with it, even though that kind of publicity is not my jam.
I’m rolling with a lot of things these days.
After Megan’s story released, other sports magazines got in on the action. Mavs and I have been featured and interviewedin a bunch of crazy-big publications. Hello,Sports Illustrated. Kai teases us all the time asking how the “it” couple is doing, or asking for my autograph in front of customers just to stir the pot and spur them to ask questions and even request my autograph. It’s all good. If this is the price of having my girlfriend back in my life, I say, bring it.
“You two about ready?”
“I’m ready.” Mavs smiles up at me. “Are you?”
“To watch you teach a bunch of kids to surf? Yes. This is going to be epic.”