Of course, he heads straight to the sheriff’s office. I wonder if he’s stupid enough to think Sheriff Bolden will protect him. Oh well, I’m about to educate him on his erroneous thinking.
“Leave me alone,” Harold whimpers over his shoulder at us and rushes through the front lobby, heading straight for the main desk. “I need help.”
“I already heard what you did.” Sheriff Bolden steps out of his office shaking his head. “And I have to say, you’re even dumber than I’d originally thought.” He crosses his arms over his chest and looks over at me. “Do you need a private room for your discussion with Harold?”
“No.” I want everyone to see what I’m about to do to the fucking pain in my ass. “We can do this here.”
I grab Harold around the neck, digging my nails into his slimy skin, and give him a hard shake as I slam his ass up against the hardwood door.
My inner polar bear takes over as I take out my intense rage on the fucking badger. I forget everyone else in the room until my dad puts his hand on my shoulder. “I think you’ve made yourpoint.” His words pull me out of my fury, and I glance down to see the battered badger.
Who knew a black eye and swollen lip would actually make him look better? “I went easy on you this time, but this is the last warning you’re ever getting from me.” I give him one last shake. “Next time, you won’t survive it.”
When I let him go, he slides down the door into a beaten lump. Sheriff Bolden steps over and leans down to add, “Since no one in this town will ever miss you, you need to take Dillon’s warning and run with it. I’d suggest you look for somewhere warmer and far, far away from Glacier Pass.”
“I second that idea,” Gabe pipes in.
“Thank you,” I tell Sheriff Bolden, and he gives me a chin lift before turning and walking back into his office.
As I walk away with my dad and Gabe, I hear the badger groaning while struggling to stand. I hope he finally learned his lesson. If not, I’ll follow through on my threat because nothing is more important to me than my mate.
When we get back to the restaurant, I see my mother’s SUV is gone and head straight for my vehicle. “I’m going home to make sure my mate is okay.”
“Sounds great,” my dad calls out. “Let’s have a barbecue this weekend and celebrate your news.” I should’ve known the entire town would’ve heard about my pregnant mate by now.
Chapter 14
It’s only oncethe door swings closed behind him that I let out a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding. Gianna places her hand on my arm. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” I run my hand over my stomach as the news echoes through my mind. “We’re okay.”
“I can’t believe that little shit,” Tilly murmurs, the words barely containing her anger.
“It didn’t shock me at all.” Gianna shakes her head. “He’s never been the brightest bulb in the box.”
“Why don’t we head straight home?” Tilly hands her credit card to the waitress. “I’m betting my son will want some private time with you to make sure you’re okay.”
“Thank you for lunch. I’m so sorry it turned into such an ordeal,” I tell her as we walk out to her vehicle.
“Oh, honey, you don’t have anything to be sorry about.” Tilly smiles as she pulls out into traffic. “I just wish I’d got to see Dillon whip Harold’s ass.”
“Me too.” Gianna grabs her phone and starts flipping through social media.
“What are you doing?” Tilly glances over at her daughter.
“I’m checking out the town’s Facebook page. Hopefully, someone recorded the beatdown. Duh.” Gianna smirks and the resemblance to her brothers shines through.
After Tilly drops me off, I sit on the sofa staring out the picture window. A little bird flies past and lands in one of the evergreen trees that borders the backyard. I take a deep breath, willing myself to relax.
Today has been a little crazy. I can’t freaking believe I’m actually pregnant. The thought is both terrifying and exhilarating. A life is growing inside me, a testament to the eternal bond between us.
I close my eyes for a moment, allowing happiness to wash through me.
The sound of the front door opening pulls me from my reverie, and my eyes open to find Dillon stepping inside. There’s a raw intensity simmering beneath his usually calm demeanor. His eyes meet mine, and a moment passes between us. Love and hunger shine from his dark eyes.
“Dillon,” I whisper, rising from the couch and moving toward him.