Three hours later, I’m regretting my impulsive decision. It only took me two hours to walk through Glacier Pass and try out the yummy bakery, Honey Buns II, so I had the bright idea to head out to the wilderness and go for a little hike to clear my mind.
Hello! My idea of exercise is spending the entire day shopping at the Westfield World Trade Center Mall.
What sounded like a good idea at the time has turned into a nightmare. I really should’ve thought this idea through a little more before I jumped in with both feet. I suddenly regret letting my boredom get the best of me.
Plus, my cityfied genes have failed me big time. One wrong turn and I’m suddenly lost in the vast wilderness while the sun steadily slips from the sky. To make matters worse, there’s no sign of other humans, and I lost cell phone reception a while ago.
The hair on the back of my neck stands up straight as a very loud howl echoes around me. Inhaling a deep breath, I realize I’m going to be some wild animal’s afternoon snack. My city girl genes really screwed the pooch this time.
My sneakers slip on the rocks as I stumble down the forest trail, praying I can find my way back to where I parked my rental car. There’s a little gray squirrel watching me from his nest inone of the tall evergreens, and I swear the tiny animal is mocking me.
I turn the bend and realize the trail I’ve been following is leading me deeper into the dark, scary forest. Somehow, I managed to lose track of my progress into the woods, and now, I fear I’ll be spending a night alone in the forest without shelter.
And the absolute best part? I’ll miss my eight am interview with Bearly Frosty Snow Removal. There goes my chance of a lifetime. Ever since Jay lost his mind and started stalking me, I’ve been looking for a job across the country, hoping the massive distance will help the crazy man get over his weird obsession. Now, I’m not even sure I’ll survive long enough to wow my prospective boss at the interview.
Just when I tell myself things can’t possibly get any worse, I hear branches snapping behind me, causing my little squirrel friend to take off. My fight-or-flight instincts finally override my city girl who needs a few extra hours at the gym genes, and I take off running through the dense forest like the hounds of hell are on my tail.
I hear the rushing water of the small river rushing past as I step into a large clearing. My heavy breathing and burning muscles tell me I shouldn’t have given up my gym membership. Just my luck, I’m going to die in the middle of nowhere, and the mountain rescue is going to drag my totally out-of-shape body back to civilization.
My eyes roam around the clearing and fall upon a huge white polar bear sunning itself on a large rock. His deep brown eyes meet mine, and I stumble to a dead stop as my life passes in front of my eyes. Make that my mutilated, totally out-of-shape body.
Chapter 3
My inner bearrears his head and roars “mine,” as the most stunning human woman I’ve ever seen stares at me as I sit on a huge rock on the edge of the small river running through the Glacier Pass National Park. She’s a goddamn goddess.
This morning, I woke up restless and decided to come out to the river and get a little sun. Since this deserted part of the forest backs to my property and very rarely has any visitors, I didn’t bother to dress in human clothes. I shifted into my polar bear form and got in a good run before crawling up onto the cool rock to take a mid-afternoon nap.
What the fuck is she doing out here alone? I wonder as I sit up and stare at my mate. Fuck me with a stick. My mate?
The urge to get my ass the hell out of here before my entire existence changes detonates in my mind, but my polar bear isn’t budging. He’s too goddamn busy naming our future cubs.
Across the distance, I stare into her bright aqua eyes and see the indecision written all over her gorgeous heart-shaped face.
She’s wearing tight black yoga pants that hug her generous curves perfectly, highlighting the natural grace and femininity of her luscious body. Her golden blonde hair flows gracefully over her shoulders and down her back, complementing her big, vibrant blue eyes that exude a sense of warmth and energy. Delicate freckles flow over her peaches and cream cheeks, adding a touch of playfulness to her radiant complexion. Her heart-shaped face is beautifully defined, with a soft chin and a small dimple on her left cheek.
Before I realize what the fuck I’m doing, I hop off the rock and slowly prowl toward her. A vein frantically pounds at the base of her luscious neck while her breathing accelerates. Her stunned eyes roam all over my body, causing my inner bear to whimper from the pleasure coursing through me. When I notice fear flash across her beautiful face, the pleasure comes to anabrupt halt. I want to kick my own ass for causing my mate distress.
Great. I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. Literally. My mate is terrified of my polar bear, but I’ll really shock her if I shift back to my human form. Naked fucking human form.
When I step close, my nose perks up, smelling her sweet, delicate fragrance mixed with fear. Fuck it.
Before I’m able to change my mind, I take a deep breath and watch as the world shifts around me, and I see her for the first time through my human eyes.
My mate gasps and swallows as I stand before her in all my glory. Her pupils dilate and my cock hardens instantly against my abdomen while my polar bear urges me to grab her and make a run for it.
“What the hell are you doing out here by yourself?” My inner polar bear takes over and roars before my human side is able to stop him.
My mate’s eyes narrow adorably as she slams her hands down on her curvy hips. “What’s it to you?”
My human side recognizes how much trouble I’m in and automatically starts to backpedal. “What I meant to ask is are you okay?” I barely recognize my own fucking voice. Standing this close to her has a crazy effect on my heart.
“I’m… uh… fine.” Her gorgeous eyes wander everywhere but toward me as she fidgets. “Actually, I’m a little lost, but I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
“How did you get out here by yourself?” I need to know what I’m working with. If some asshole dropped her out here and abandoned her, I’ll kill the motherfucker. In the space of a few seconds, this little human just became the most important thing in the world to me.
“I’m new to town,” she admits, looking over my shoulder, and I’m not surprised. I’ve lived in this town my entire life andhave never run into my mate. “I decided to take a hike and explore, but I got turned around when I stopped to take a little break.”