Page 5 of Dangerous Protocol

OSI was one of the top security organizations in the world and specialized in close protection, private security, national and international hostage retrieval, tracking, and cybersecurity, just to mention a few. They recently added the elite Dark Ops division, comprising operators who identify, locate, and liberate victims of sexual exploitation and human trafficking. Then they destroyed and dismantled the individuals, networks, and organizations responsible.

Jonathan’s wife, Andi, was a well-respected interrogation tactics specialist. She used to work for Jeffrey, then she fell in love and now worked alongside her husband at OSI. Their precocious little girl, Ashling, also happened to be Jeffrey’s goddaughter. He loved that kid and would kill for her, if necessary.

He trusted the O’Hallerans and OSI to handle the tough jobs no other organization could or would. And trust was not something he gave freely.

A lesson learned long ago.

Maya sat by the front window of the coffee shop and focused her attention on the gray three-story across the street. The building looked like any other residence nestled in a quiet, urban neighborhood, but she knew otherwise. She could practically feel the power emanating from the man inside and couldn’t believe others didn’t feel it, too.

She’d been there for over two hours, hoping he’d make an appearance. Fortunately, the coffee shop was pretty busy and they either hadn’t noticed her still sitting there or didn’t have a problem with it.

What if he wouldn’t agree to help her? What if he asked questions she couldn’t answer? No, she firmed her resolve against the doubts hammering away at her. She would convince him one way or the other.

Isla had been gone for eight long, agonizing days.

Maya had searched everywhere for her, had even risked reaching out to a former colleague, to no avail. It was like her daughter had fallen off the edge of the earth.

Which was why she was in America, her arse going numb from sitting in a coffee shop while she stared at an innocuous-looking brownstone.

Jeffrey could muster a second-to-none level of resources with one single phone call. Unfortunately, because of theircomplicated history, she wasn’t sure he would even hear her out. Not that she could blame him.

Leaving him had been incredibly difficult, and she still awakened often with the feeling of his arms safely about her. He was the only man she had ever considered having a forever with, but she’d destroyed whatever it was they shared.

Ever since that early morning when she’d stood there, bags in hand, watching him sleep, she’d questioned whether leaving him had been the right thing to do. What if she’d told him why she had to leave? Could he have helped her?Wouldhe have helped her?

No matter. It was all water under the bridge at this point.

Somehow, she would convince Jeffrey to help her, and ifhecouldn’t find Isla, Maya feared she was lost to her forever.


A few hours later,Jeffrey followed Beck and Jonathan downstairs, and they noticed Maria looking out the front window.

She heard them approach and turned their way.

“Jonathan, Beck.” She extended her hand, they exchanged handshakes, and she returned her attention to the window.

“What’s up?” Jeffrey asked.

“There’s a woman in the coffee shop across the street that seems pretty damn interested in this building.” Maria’s fingernail tapped against the window.

Jeffrey, Beck, and Jonathan each moved to a different window facing the street.

“I can’t see anything.” Jeffrey looked over at them. “Too much glare bouncing off the glass.”

“Angle’s bad. I can’t see inside, either,” Beck said.

“Same.” Jonathan’s gaze remained focused out the window.

“Description?” Jeffrey turned to Maria.

“Early to mid-forties, long dark hair, brown eyes, glasses. But the lenses aren’t prescription.” Maria’s observational skills had been honed during her years spent watching people. “Her face is thin and not in a healthy way. She was sitting, so I can’t be sure of her height. Oh, and she didn’t have a laptop out, so it’s not like she was working.”

“Want us to go check it out?” Jonathan was a former Navy SEAL and never shied away from the action.

“Thanks, but I’ll take care of it.” Jeffrey had begun to feel cooped up and could use a little fresh air.

“You sure you don’t want some backup?” Maria stepped up to him.