“Yes, Your Majesty.” The guard nodded and shut the door. He was smart enough not to ask questions.
Nadim turned to the large portrait of his father hanging on the wall behind his desk. He checked over his shoulder before swinging the portrait out of the way and exposing a safe built into the wall. He tapped the code into the electronic lock to access the contents, reached in, and grabbed an older model burner phone.
He sat at his desk and dialed the only number programmed into the phone. It rang twice before someone answered, but as usual, they remained silent and waited for him to speak first.
“Where is she?” Nadim did not need to clarify whoshewas.
The Corbett woman was the only reason he associated with this person.
“What do you mean?” His source stammered. “I … I already told you that she flew into Dulles International Airport this morning.”
“Yes, but I want to know where she is right now.” America was a huge country, and she could be anywhere.
“Why? What’s happened?” Panic coated each word.
“The girl is gone.” Because of that, Nadim’s gut told him that Maya had to be close.
“Wait, what do you mean, she’s gone?” His whispered words had a sharp edge to them. “What did you do to her?”
“I did nothing to her. Someone had the temerity to sneak intomyembassy and took the girl.” He kept his voice level, though he wanted to rage from the rooftops. “So, I will ask you again.Whereis she?”
“Your embassy? Are you in America?”
“Of course, and I want to know where she is.”
“I … I don’t know.” He quickly added, “She hasn’t checked in with me since she arrived in the States.”
“Well, if you value your childrens’ lives, I suggest you find out.” He ended the call and tossed the phone onto the desk. “I am surrounded by incompetent morons.”
“I think I wouldbe okay with all of us being together.” One of Isla’s shoulders bobbed up and down, and her voice was so soft she could barely be heard. Almost as if she feared embracing the idea of them as a family too openly might jinx the outcome. “But what about the man who is after you, Mom?”
Maya opened her mouth to reassure her, but Jeffrey beat her to it.
“Don’t you worry about him, honey.” He brushed his thumb over her knuckles. “I promise, I’m not going to let anything happen to you or your mom. Do you believe me?”
“Uh-huh. I believe you.” She nodded. “And Mom, from now on”—Isla shot her a stern look—“you will always tell me the truth, no matter what. Right?”
“Right.” Maya skimmed Isla’s bangs away from her eyes. “Look, you have every right to be upset with me. I am an imperfect person—as our current situation has proven—but I did what I thought was best for everyone at thetime.” Maya set a hand on the bed on either side of her daughter, leaned closer, and looked her directly in the eyes. She wanted to ensure her daughter was paying attention to every word she was about to say. “I love you so very much, and I hate that you’ve been made to suffer because of something I did a long time ago.”
“I love you, too, Mom. And, yes, I am still a little bit mad.” Isla lowered her eyes and picked at the edge of the blanket. “But … I think I kinda understand why you didn’t tell me about my dad.” She gave Jeffrey a quick look, then turned back to Maya with sad eyes. “It must have really hurt your heart to leave someone you love without being able to say goodbye.”
So much wisdom and empathy from someone so young.
Maya’s heart positively melted at the sweetness of her daughter’s words.
“It hurt my heart a whole bunch.” She cupped Isla’s cheek in her hand and rubbed her thumb over her soft skin.
“Did it hurt your heart, too?” Isla focused on Jeffrey.
“Yes, it hurt my heart very much.” Jeffrey gave Maya a long look. “But now we’re all together, and our hearts can heal and become whole again.”
Isla seemed to consider his words, then said, “I like that.”
A feeling of warmth poured over Maya at the prospect of them working as a team to secure their daughter’s safety. And she loved the part about themhealing together.
Jeffrey hated to break up this incredible moment, but he needed to ask Isla some questions while everything was still somewhat fresh in her mind. Once Al-Mansoori was taken care of, he would make it a priority to make sure the people involved in her kidnapping were hunted down and dealt with.