“Since the Qadirans weren’t the first to occupy the building, we’re not one hundred percent certain,” Beck continued. “We pulled up some satellite images. The entrance to the tunnel is a small concrete structure about the size of a large porta-potty. From what we could tell, it appears to be in a state of disrepair and is partially overgrown. Which leads me to believe no one has used it in a long time. We’ll know more once the team gets there.”
Jeffrey hopped up and rushed into the kitchen. He slid open a drawer and pulled out a pad of paper and a pencil, then hurried over and sat.
Beck assured them that no matter what the state of the building might be, they were prepared to access that tunnel, one way or another.
“How about the external door to the boiler room?” Jeffrey scribbled some notes.
“From what we can tell from the latest security system schematics Sammy managed to find, it doesn’t look like they’ve put in any type of security down there.”
“So either the Qadirans don’t know about the tunnel or the schematics are outdated and there could be a rather unpleasant surprise waiting for your team.” Maya’s brain was firing in a way it hadn’t since going underground.
Exhilarating as it was, it was also terrifying. These people didn’t even know her or her daughter but were willing to risk their lives simply because of their loyalty to Jeffrey.
Maya would never be able to adequately repay them.
“Timing will be critical,” Jeffrey said. “Once we breach that door in the basement, we’ll need to get in, get Isla, and get the hell out of there before we’re spotted.”
“Jeffrey, you and Viking will be outside, providing overwatch of the embassy grounds,” Beck said.
“Huh-uh. No fuckin’ way.” He shook his head.
“She’smydaughter, dammit!” His fist slammed down on the table.
Maya jumped. The glasses and dishes clattered against the wood surface, and her fork slipped off her plate and onto the floor.
It was an uncharacteristic outburst from a man renowned for his rigid control.
“I’m going in.” Jeffrey’s voice brooked no argument.
“Okay. I’ll convey the change to the team,” Becksaid.
“Calliope is a world-class sniper,” Jeffrey said. “Her nickname isn’t the Wraith for no reason.”
“I get that, but she’s also a badass who is skilled with a blade. And my thinking was that Isla might be more comfortable with her, since she’s a lot less scary-looking than the rest of the team. Especially when they’re all kitted out.” His tone softened. “But I understand better than anyone your need to go in after her.”
“I’m sure you do.” Jeffrey’s voice held a deep understanding.
Maya gave him a curious look, and he mouthed, “I’ll tell you later.”
Knowing Jeffrey would be going in after Isla lessened her concerns. But she wouldn’t be able to breathe fully until they were both back in her arms.
“Jeffrey, you, Andi, Mason and Wolf will breach the embassy and get Isla. Viking and Calliope will provide overwatch from outside the embassy grounds.” Beck continued laying out the plan. “Once she has been secured, they will surround her and exit the way they came.”
Jeffrey lifted Maya’s hand and rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. “If we’re lucky, they’ll never know we were there.”
And if they were caught, it could end very badly for all of them, including her daughter.
The next few minutes were filled with discussions about their many backup plans. Being prepared for anyeventuality is what made the difference between a successful operation and a potential disaster.
“Good luck, Jeffrey.” Beck’s voice was solemn.
“Thanks, Beck.” They ended the call, and he turned to Maya. “I’ll bring her back. I promise.”
“I believe you.” There was no one she trusted more than him.
Jeffrey Burke was an honorable man, a loyal man. He might spend his days in a suit, but a trained killer lurked just beneath the surface.