“Go ahead and answer it.” Viking crouched so they were eye level. “I’m right here.”
She took a deep breath, held the phone so Viking could also hear, and tapped the screen. “Timeless Designs. This is Marigold.”
“Hey there, Goldie.”
That voice—a voice she hadn’t heard in over five years—threatened to drag her back to the past. Back to that horrible night.
No. She would not let him win. Shayna needed her.
“What have you done with Shayna?” Marigold’s hand shook so badly, she thought she might drop the phone.
Viking carefully removed it from her palm and held it for her. Everyone circled around them.
“She’s fine, but I might have to do something about her—ig mouth.” Cliff’s voice cut in and out.
“I swear, Cliff, if you hurt her—”
“What the—uck are you going—do, Goldie?!” he shouted.
Marigold flinched at his angry outburst.
“You going to sic your—ig watch dog on me?” His chuckle was low and evil and sent a ripple of ice down her spine. He derisively clicked his tongue three times. “That’s right, I know you’re—cheat—on me. I’ll bet he’s there with you now, listen—to everythi—I say, isn’t he?”
His voice kept breaking up, but they could make out most of his words. He must’ve been calling from an area with poor cell coverage.
Viking tucked his warm hand beneath her hair and curved it around the back of her neck, reaffirming his support. The small gesture filled her with a great deal of strength.
“What do you want, Cliff?” Marigold stiffened her spine and hardened her voice.
“I want what’s mine.” There was a moment of silence. “I want you, Goldie.”
Just as she’d suspected.
Cole turned their way—his phone held between his shoulder and ear—and he drew his hands apart, indicating for them to keep Barnum talking.
“I’m not yours, Cliff.” She lifted her gaze to Viking, and their eyes met. “And never will be again. I’m with a man now who knows how to cherish a woman and treat her with respect.”
“You might want to watch your mouth, Goldie.” They heard footsteps and a sickeningSLAP.
Marigold held her breath and concentrated on listening for any sound, to the point her head began to ache.
“Shut the—uck up.” Something scraped across the floor—a chair, maybe. “Goldie, there’s—omeone here who wants to say hi.”
“M … Marig—don’t worry. I … I’m okay.” Shayna’s voice was shaky yet stubborn.
“She’s okay for now, but if—”
Shayna frantically shouted in the background, “We drove for abou—hour and ended up—some woods—”
“You li—bitch!” Cliff roared, just before the line went dead.
“Shayna!” Marigold snatched the phone from Viking’s grip and yelled at the handset. “Cliff!”
“We lost the connection, honey.” He wrapped her in his arms.
“He’s hurting her, Viking.” She fisted her hands in the front of his T-shirt. “We have to find her.” She collapsed against him and sobbed. “Wehaveto.”